The Iranian military acknowledged that the Ukrainian aircraft crashed in the capital De Helan on Wednesday (8th) was made by the Iranian military by mistake and accidentally shot down.(Agence France -Presse)

(Tehran Composite Electric) Iran finally publicly acknowledged to shoot down the Ukrainian passenger aircraft, and Ukraine immediately asked the Iranian government to conduct a full investigation and make full compensation.

The Iranian military issued a statement on the same day that the Ukrainian passenger aircraft crashed in the capital De Helan on Wednesday (8th) was made by the Iranian military by man -made mistakes and accidentally shot down.

The statement said that the Ukrainian aircraft was close to a sensitive military base at that time, and as a result, it was accidentally shot down as an enemy target, and the relevant person would be responsible for it.

After that, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Haggizad said that the Iranian forces mistakenly regarded Ukrainian passenger aircraft as cruise missiles and then launched a short -range missile to shoot down.Hagizad said that the missile operator responded only in 10 seconds at the time, and his communication system was just disturbed. He could not confirm it, and eventually he unfortunately made a mistake to launch the missile.

Iranian President Rouhani posted on Twitter that this was an unforgivable mistake, and he regretted the catastrophic mistake.

According to Iranian official media reports, Hamenei, the highest leader of Iran, was learned by Hamenei on Friday.Hamonei issued instructions after meeting with the Iran's highest security agency on the same day, and officially announced an accidentally shot down the Ukrainian passenger aircraft.Hamenei also ordered the Iranian army to resolve the defect that caused this mistake.

Ukraine requires Iran to investigate the full compensation

Ukrainian President Zelei issued a statement on Saturday saying that Ukraine asked Iran to conduct a comprehensive thorough investigation, acknowledged all errors, and gave full compensation.

Zelei said: We ask the Iranian side to guarantee a comprehensive and public investigation, punish those who are in trouble, return the body of the victims, pay compensation, and make formal apology through diplomatic channels.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau also asked Iran to carry out transparent accountability.

In addition, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarve tweeted, stating that the adventureism of the United States at the time of crisis led to a disaster of artificial mistakes.He said that Iran expressed deep regret and apology to all people, family members of the dead, and affected countries.

At present, Iran has invited the United States, Ukraine, Canada, and other countries with citizens to participate in air crash investigations.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Prosetco held a press conference on Kiev on Friday that a group of Ukrainian experts had come into contact with the flight recorder (black box) of the passenger plane, and the investigation process was fully cooperated with the Iranian authorities.

He also said that Iran has allowed experts to investigate the wreckage of the passenger plane and go to the crash site for investigation.

EU foreign ministers who held an emergency meeting in Brussels earlier urged Iran to invite Iran not to conceal any truth about crash.

Foreign ministers held crisis meetings on the tension in the Middle East.Among them, German Foreign Minister Mas and NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg said that after the air crash, the most important thing was to make a comprehensive thorough investigation and cannot let any clues.Both trust.

Originally, Western countries and Iran held their own words about whether the passenger plane was shot down by the missile.Many governments in Europe and the United States have stated that intelligence shows that passenger planes may be hit by Iran's missiles.Trudeau, British Prime Minister Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Morrison more publicly indicated that passenger planes might be shot down by Iranian missiles, calling on the international community to conduct investigations.However, Iran's initial attitude was very tough, and Yokou denied that the passenger plane was shot down by the missile. The Iranian Civil Aviation Administration even mentioned that the passenger plane returned to the airport after finding a problem. As a result, it still crashed and tried to clarify the relationship.

There were 176 people on the crash Ukraine International Airlines, all of which were killed, including 82 Iranians, 57 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, four Afghanists, three Germans and three Britishwait.This is the worst civil aviation accident in Iran in 1988.In July 1988, the U.S. forces accidentally shot an Iranian passenger plane over the Persian Gulf, causing all 290 people on the plane.

Since the above -mentioned air crash was assassinated in the United States, Slymani, a high -level general, Slymani, which caused the two countries to confront the upgrade, many airlines around the world have canceled flights to Iran, or change the routes to avoid flying through Iranian airspace for security.