Although there is currently no legal binding force on the resolution of the war power, the Democratic Party stated that it would defend the constitutional power of Congress, and the Republican Party pointed out that it would endanger national security.

(Washington Composite Television) The U.S. House of Representatives passed the decision of war power on Thursday to limit US President Trump's military operations to Iran in the future.Although the resolution has no legal binding power, the Democratic Party stated that it would defend the constitutional power of Congress, and the Republican Party pointed out that this would endanger national security.

The House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party on Thursday with 224 votes support and 194 votes opposed to the voting results of the war power resolution.According to this resolution, unless Congress officially declared war or clearly approved, the president must not use US military forces to take action on Iran; the only exception is that the United States is facing an imminent threat of attack, and the use force is necessary and appropriate.

The voting was supported by three Republican House of Representatives, but it was still slim to get through the Republican Senate.

However, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi pointed out that the measure can really play a role, and said that the 1973 war of war power limited the military options of the president without consulting Congress.

She said at a press conference before voting that the action of killing the Iranian general Sulemanni was provocative and inappropriate. Without the approval of Congress, the American people would put the American people in danger.She said the resolution would limit Trump to launch military operations, defend the security of the United States, and prevent regional situation from worsening.

Two Republican senators MDASH; mdash; Mike Li and Paul of Kentucky in Utah also strongly criticized the confidential report hosted by US Secretary of State Pompeo on Wednesday, unable to eliminate their concerns that the attack was not authorized by Congress.

However, most Republicans believe that the empty political measures of the Democratic Party will endanger national security.Republican member McCory said: My Democratic colleagues not only did not support the president, but split Americans at critical moments.He pointed out that the resolution will restrain the president's hands and feet.

Trump: Suleimani was originally planning to explode the American Embassy

Trump also insisted that his decision was right.He claimed at a campaign in Ohio that the reason why he ordered Slymanni was because Suleimani was planning to bomb the US Embassy.

He said: Suleimani is actively planning a new attack. He is studying the US Embassy very seriously, not just Baghdad's embassy, but we stop him.

Trump also told reporters in the White House earlier: We caught a completely downturn, and we took him out of him.We did this because they were conspiring to bomb our embassy.

Regarding the power of the House of Representatives who wants to limit the power of war power to limit his power to launch military operations to Iran, Trump mocked: We received a call, we know where he is, we know how he is there, we have to make a decision hellip; hellip;We don't have time to call Perosi, her head is not sober.

The White House spokesman described that the resolution of war power passed by the House of Representatives was ridiculous and political.This measure may destroy the ability of the United States to protect Iran's ability to continue to hurt.

If the Senate also passed the decision of war power, the resolution will take effect directly without signing the president.