Perosi (left) announced that the House of Representatives will propose a resolution of war power this week to limit Trump's authority to Iran's martial arts.(Agence France -Presse)

U.S. President Trump has insisted that he does not need to be approved by Congress even if he wants to make a non -peer crackdown on Iran.He said that if he decided to attack the Iranian goal again, as long as he sticked on Twitter, he would not be notified to Congress.

(Washington Composite Electric) Dissatisfied President Trump notified the parliament after authorizing the elite army commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards before authorizing the killing of the elite army of the Iranian revolutionary guard.The case is limited to Trump's authority for Iran's martial arts.

Perlus wrote in a letter to Democratic MPs last Sunday (5th) last Sunday (5th): The resolution reproduces Congress's long -term supervision responsibilities, that is, if they do not win the consent of Congress, the government's military action on Iran must be 30 at 30Stop within the sky.

Trump previously insisted that he did not need to be approved by Congress even if he wanted to make a non -peer crackdown on Iran.He said that if he decided to attack the Iranian goal again, as long as he sticked on Twitter, he would not be notified to Congress.

Trump said on Twitter last Sunday: I will notify Congress MDash; MDASH through this type of post; if Iran attacks any Americans or goals, the United States will fight quickly and comprehensively.Wait (counterattack) method.

Trump also said that he did not need to issue such notices at all, but he decided to do so.

Perlis pointed out in a letter to Democratic MPs that the Trump administration carried out a provocative and incompetent military air strike on the Iranian general last week.American soldiers, diplomats and others.

Pompeo maintains Trump's decision

She said: As a member of Congress, our primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of the American people. Therefore, we are worried that the Trump administration has adopted this operation without the negotiation of Congress and did not respect the war power given by the Constitution.

US Secretary of State Pompeo maintains the operation of killing Sulemanni, saying that the risk of not taking action is greater.

He said in an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation last Sunday: The previous intelligence assessment clearly showed that if no action mdash; mdash; allowed Suleimani to continue his conspiracy, planning and terrorist activities, (the United States will face) moreThe big risk exceeds the risks brought by our action last week.

Pompeo said that the threat brought by Sulemanni was long -term and sustainable, and he has been conducting killing Americans for many years.

He told the United States Cable TV News: He is a bad guy, and we removed him from the battlefield.We see that he is developing a plan to further crack down on Americans, and even (strike) many Americans's plans.

Pompeo was also interviewed by Fox News.He said that after getting rid of Suleimani, he believed that Iran might attack the U.S. military in the Middle East.He said: We believe that Iran is likely to make a wrong judgment and attack our soldiers or military forces in Northeast Syria.

He warned that this would be a major mistake in Iran.