[Text/Observer Net Xiong Chaoran] Statistics at Hopkins University in Johnz Middot; Hopkins University's epidemic statistics show that in the past 24 hours, 511836 new crown pneumonia diagnosis was added in the United States, and 2,732 new deaths were added.

This is the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic, the first time in the United States has confirmed more than 500,000 cases in a single day, and it has reached a record again.

At the same time, due to the influence of Omikon's mutant virus exacerbation epidemic, the number of new crown pneumonia in the United States has also risen sharply in 7 days, reaching 26,7305 cases on December 28, local time, a new high.

In the face of the current situation, some medical experts believe that more than 500,000 new cases in the United States will have more than 500,000 cases every day in the United States that may be commonplace, while the New York Times said pessimistic that after the Omikon and Delta, the United States is caught in another one.Long winter.

The U.S. epidemic rebounded again, and even severely hit the president Biden, who had been full of confidence in resistance to epidemic. On the 27th, he said with a video conference with the governor of the United States on the 27th that his government had no federal solution for the current epidemic.Solve this crisis.He also acknowledged that the current domestic crown virus test volume is still serious.

At the same time, the Gate of Yeye City in Europe lost.France reported on the 28th report to add 17,9807 new crown pneumonia, setting the highest number of new diagnosis in Europe's history in history. Looking at the entire European continent, the multi -countries outbreak rebounded violently.

The United States added a single day, breaking 500,000 cases

According to statistics from the University of Johns Middot; Hopkins University, as of 6:22 on December 29, 2021, Beijing time, a total of 5310,5450 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia were reached, and 820,458 cases had accumulated deaths.In the past 24 hours, 511,836 newly confirmed cases in the United States were added, and 2,732 new deaths were added.

Obviously, the data shows that the US epidemic has a major rebound again. This is the first time that the number of newly confirmed cases in the United States have added more than 500,000 cases in the United States since the new crown epidemic.

Ashish Jha, a public health expert at Brown University in the United States; Ashish JHA said: January next year will be a very, very difficult month. People should be prepared (psychologically).New coronary virus).

Medical analyst of the United States CNN (CNN) Jonatson Middot;More than 500,000 cases.

In addition to the new high number of diagnosis, the number of new diagnosis in the United States has also refreshing the highest record in 7 days.

CNN said that as of the week of December 28, local time, the number of new crowns in the United States reached 25,4496 cases, while the New York Times statistics on this data reached 26,7305 cases, which exceeded January 11 this year.The average number of cases in a single week was recorded at the time of 25,1989 cases.

CNN pointed out that on the occasion of this number, since last month, the number of new crown virus infected in the United States and other countries or regions around the world has increased rapidly, and the level of the number of cases in the 7 -day average daily increase has continued to rise.

According to reports, in the past, the infection cases of Omiro strains in the United States have increased rapidly.In the week of December 4th, the number of new crown pneumonia in the United States infected with the Omircodon strain accounted for only 0.6%of the total new cases, and the second week rose to 6.9%, and the third week was 22.5%.Last week, it reached 58.6%, accounting for a double increase in the surrounding area, and the remaining new cases were almost infected with Delta strains.

On the occasion of the US epidemic data, the New York Times published a document on December 28, local time, stating that there are currently two domestic types of highly contagious variant viruses mdash; MDASH; Delta and Omiko have met.Holiday travel and party consumption of medical resources is causing the United States to fall into another long winter.

Biden said: The federal government is not right, the states are resistant to disease

Faced with the severe situation of the United States at the moment, the US president Biden, who had been confident in controlling the epidemic in the early days of his term, has now begun to appear insufficient.

Based on the United States Politico News Network, Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) reported on December 27, Biden held a video conference with the governor of the United States on the same day.Whether it can be over relying on the efforts of the state governments.

Biden and the governor of the United States held a video conference map from the surging video

According to CNBC analysis, Bayeng's remarks at the meeting with the governors of the states may be that he may not worry about the cooperation of the states, and the anti -epidemic measures of the US federal government will not be effective.But his statement may also be pressured to the governors of the states, trying to let the state government bear more responsibility for resistance.

The US media also analyzed that the Biden's statement on the need for the US epidemic needed to be resolved in each state, which was in sharp contrast to the ambitious resistance commitment he made during the election last year.Before the beginning of the US presidential election in October 2020, Biden threatened to end the virus without closing the economy.He repeatedly made the same commitment when he delivered a speech to his supporters.

Anti -fighting epidemic has always been a key point of the Biden campaign. He has repeatedly criticized the former President Trump's disagreement.In the last debate with Trump, Biden also bluntly stated: Anyone who is responsible for the death of so many people should not continue to serve as President of the United States.However, when Trump stepped down, the number of new crowns in the United States was about 400,000, but now the number of deaths in the United States has exceeded 817,000, which means that more than 417,000 people died in Biden.