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(New York Comprehensive Electric) crown disease epidemic is connected.Epidemic prevention measures, "No vaccination, no work" (nojab, nojob) has become the current trend of anti -epidemic in the workplace.

The New York Municipal Government has implemented new regulations. From this week, all private companies must prohibit employees who have not vaccinated vaccines from entering the workplace.

Feming at least 1,000 US dollars in violation of regulations

Employees of more than 180,000 companies in New York must show at least one dose of vaccine on Monday at the latest.prove.Companies that do not comply with regulations will face a fine of at least 1,000 US dollars (about $ 1350), but New York Mayor Bai Sihao said that punishment will be the last means.

Bai Sihao said in an interview with the Cable TV News Channel MSNBC on Monday: "We implement the strictest vaccine measures in the United States. This is a necessary thing.We should be forced to vaccinate immediately ... We must let the epidemic come to an epidemic in 2022. "

New York City stipulates that employers must verify and retain the vaccination records of each employee.If the employee only inoculates the first dose, the second dose must be vaccinated within 45 days.Each company must also display the notice sign at the "conspicuous position", indicating that the company is doing things in accordance with the regulations.

New York City has previously forced hospitals and nursing home employees, as well as vaccinations such as teachers, police and firefighters including teachers, police and firefighters.

This largest city in the United States has stipulated as early as August this year that adults must complete the vaccination first if adults want to enter indoor public places such as restaurants, cinemas and gyms.Due to the surge in crown disease cases, even children and adolescents must now prove that vaccine has been proven.

The Bayeng government has ordered more than 100 companies to ensure that employees must complete vaccination before January 18, or they must be tested frequently.The New York Municipal Government's approach is stronger than the federal government's prescribed.

Technology giants Google is one of the large American companies that implement the principle of "no vaccination and no work".Google has informed all the US employees that vaccination must be completed before mid -January next year, otherwise it may face the consequences of salary reduction or even losing rice bowls.This regulation will be promoted to Google's companies in other countries in the future.

Other American technology companies, including Uber and Facebook, are also ready to link their jobs with vaccine.Other large US companies also said that they are likely to adopt the same policy.

In Europe, governments of many countries have also adopted tough means to promote vaccination.Since France has implemented similar policies in mid -September this year, at least 3,000 medical staff who have refused to take over have been suspended without salary.Italy also stipulates that only those who hold a green pass can enter the workplace, which has caused the public to protest, and the capital of Rome also broke out in the last weekend.

However, the forced vaccination policy has greatly effective.The vaccine vaccination rate has soared in France in the past three months. Official data show that more than 85 % of the population or 49.3 million people have completed the vaccination so far, a significant increase from the 28 million people in July.More than 80 % of the population in Italy took at least one dose.