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China's second aircraft carrier Shandong yesterday (26th) from south to north, crossing the Taiwan Strait.The US State Department spokesman called for a constructive dialogue on both sides of the strait.

According to the Taiwan Media Joint Daily, a spokesman for the US State Department passed the email and stated in a background that peace and stability cross -strait were in line with the long -term interests of the United States.

The spokesman said that the United States urged mainland China and should not engage in any coercion that endangers the safety and social system of the people of Taiwan; the United States encourages Beijing and Taipei to conduct constructive dialogues and seek to solve different differences in peaceful ways of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The US Department of Defense spokesman Dave Eastburn replied by email that the United States knows that the Chinese military ship has passed through the Taiwan Strait;

According to public news from the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense, since January 2017, the PLA carriers have crossed the Taiwan Strait six times. Among them, the Shandong ship passed through the Taiwan Strait from the north to the Southern Airlines in November this year.Southern to north, pass through the Taiwan Strait.