Source: Hong Kong 01

US President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) at the Joint Base Andrews of the 2020 Trust 2020, including the establishment of the Space ForceTo.He described this is a milestone achievement.However, how much do this achievement will be used, and where is the members of the army?

The bill was approved in the House on the 11th and was approved in the Senate on the 17th.This is the first new forces formed in the United States since 1947.Before that, the U.S. Army also had the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.As the sixth troops of the American armed forces, the space forces were sitting flat with the Five Army.

Beginning on December 20, the American Space Command has officially changed its name to the American Space Force.The 16,000 soldiers and cultural personnel who were formerly Space Command would be assigned to the American Space Force.John Raymond, commander of the Space Command, will naturally be responsible for leading the space force in the future.He will also be a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in December 2020.

The bill is prohibited from hiring newcomers by space forces, nor can it be assigned any soldiers from the Army or Navy.However, the US Air Force Minister Barbara Barrett also said on the same day that the Army and the Navy would naturally be partners of the space forces.The Space Force's headquarters will be built in the Pentagon Building of the Ministry of National Defense in the next 60 days. It is expected that there will be about 40 employees in the early stage, and the ultimate goal will have about 200 employees.

The White House originally applied for $ 72.4 million to set up the headquarters of the Space Force, but there were not so much funding for the final approval.In the 2020 fiscal law, the National Defense Authorization Law stated that the space forces were approved by 40 million US dollars for operation and maintenance.In addition, the basic expenditure approved by the Act to the Ministry of National Defense is US $ 635 billion, the nuclear weapons projects of the Ministry of Energy have 23.1 billion U.S. dollars, the emergency disaster of military bases is reconstructed to $ 5.3 billion, and the war operations are US $ 71.5 billion.

The United States has formed the Space Army, and India and France have similar actions that want to garrison space. These behaviors have attracted the attention of other countries including China.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a national television speech on March 27, announcing that the country's scientists have successfully used anti -satellite missiles to shoot down a satellite.French President Emmanuel Macron said on July 13 that he established the Space Command in the Air Force before September 2020 to enhance national defense capabilities.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a routine press conference on the 18th that this once again shows that the current air weaponization and battlefield risks are increasing, and China is deeply worried about it.Outside and air is the common wealth of all mankind to ensure the peaceful use of space and prevent the weaponization of space and arms competitions. It is not only in line with the common interests of various countries, but also the common responsibility of all countries.He also said that in the current situation, the negotiations to reach the necessity and urgency of foreign air force control international legal documents have further increased.We hope that the international community, especially the relevant powers, will take a cautious and responsible attitude to prevent the air from becoming a new battlefield and work together to maintain the long -lasting peace and peace.