(New York / Washington Composite Electric) US Secretary of Defense Esper said that the United States regards China as a competitor, not an enemy.Molecular, not the destroyer of order.

Esper attended a dialogue held by the Foreign Relations Association in New York the day before yesterday.He said at the meeting that the top priority of the United States was China and the second was Russia, because China and Russia challenged the world order by enhancing military forces and expanding influence.Both countries are rapidly modernization of the armed forces, and extend their capabilities to hellip; hellip; Beijing and Russia not only infringe on small nations, but also try to destroy international law and norms and sacrifice their own interests to benefit themselves.

He pointed out that through the Belt and Road Initiative, while expanding its economic connection with Asia, Europe, and Africa, it has achieved the unreasonable goal of expanding the influence of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Esper said that when he visited Thailand last month, the National Defense Director of the Asians' members complained privately that he was coerced and intimidated by China and praised the United States to ensure that it was free and open to ensure that the Pacific region of India.

However, when asked about the US -China trade negotiations, Esper said that the United States did not want to be enemy with China, and now it is said that the United States and China have entered the Cold War period and are too early.

The day before yesterday, China and the United States announced their first -stage trade agreements, and moved to the end of the trade war that lasted for more than a year.

It is recommended that bilateral dialogue to ensure that China complies with the basic order of international rules

Esper pointed out that the United States regards China as a competitor, not an enemy.We have indeed entered the era of competition in great powers. We are competing with China to compete in hellip; hellip; they do not need to be our enemy hell; HelloP;It was still military in Hellip; Hellip; earlier I proposed to the Chinese Defense Minister to start a bilateral dialogue.I think the above will help to ensure that China moves towards the correct direction in the next few years and becomes an order of an international rules, rather than destroying this order.

Esper also called on NATO to prepare for the challenges of China and Russia.He explained that the United States put pressure on NATO allies and asked them to increase defense expenses. It is not unreasonable. NATO cannot allow members to take a car.Our alliance is not a trading type.On the contrary, it is rooted in mutual respect, common values and the common will of fighting for it.

The United States' perennial national defense budget accounts for 3.5%of the GDP.In 2014, about 29 member states in NATO agreed at the latest in 2024, raising their respective defense expenses to 2%of GDP.

However, only nine allies have achieved this goal so far, and Germany, one of NATO's richest member states, said that it is impossible to meet the standard by 2030.