North Korea announced yesterday that it was a very important test at the missile launch site in Dongcangli, Ping An North Road.(Reuters) North Korea announced yesterday (December 8) that the missile launch field in Dongcangli, Ping'an North Road was conducted very important.Experts speculate that North Korea may test the solid -state fuel engine for intercontinental ballistic missiles, which helps to deploy and launch missiles faster and improve nuclear deterrence.Analysis believes that as North Korea approaches the end of the year to the United States, North Korea seems to have decided to embark on a new road.

Before midnight last night in Singapore, Trump warned that if Kim Jong -un took hostile action, he would suffer heavy losses and even lose everything.

In the tweet, Trump said that Kim Jong -un signed a nuclear agreement with him in Singapore. Kim Jong -un would not want to destroy a special relationship with the President of the United States, and Kim Jong -un would not want to affect the US presidential election.

North Korea ’s Defense Sciences, which is responsible for the development of new weapons, issued a conversation yesterday that on the afternoon of December 7th, a very important test was held at the West Sea Satellite Launch Square (the missile launcher in Dongcangli, Ping An North Road).Contribute to improve North Korea's strategic position.However, the North Korean authorities do not specify the test content,

South Korea ’s Central Daily analysis pointed out that judging from the words such as changing North Korea’ s strategic position shortly after the use of North Korea, a long -range missile that can launch a nuclear warhead may be launched in the future.

Professor Kim Dong -soo, a professor at Qingnan University in South Korea, said that North Korea has successfully developed and tested that Mars 14 and Mars 15 intercontinental ballistic missiles that can attack the United States, but do not have solid fuel for intercontinental ballistic missiles, so this time it may be solid fuel engineIn combustion testing, solid fuels can make North Korea more easily hidden and faster to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The West Sea Satellite launcher is another nuclear facilities in North Korea outside Ningbian.North Korea fired here in 2012 and 2016 that is regarded as a long -range missile level of intercontinental ballistic missiles.In March 2017, North Korea also conducted engine tests on the new Martian intercontinental ballistic missile.Kim Jong -un promised to permanently abandon the missile engine test site of Dongcangli at the Korean and North Korean Pyongyang Summit last September.

However, Kim Jong -un said in April this year that he hoped that Washington would adopt a flexible and pragmatic attitude before the end of the year, and reached an agreement with Pyongyang on the Nucleification issue of the Korean Peninsula, otherwise North Korea will take a new path.

North Korea's Permanent Representative of the United Nations: Non -nuclearization is no longer a topic of negotiations between the North Korea and the United States

The day before yesterday, North Korea's Permanent Representative of the United Nations issued a statement saying that non -nuclearization is no longer a matter of negotiations between North Korea and the United States.He said that the persistent and substantial dialogue sought by the United States is just a trick to delay time, in order to help domestic political situation.North Korea does not need to have a long -term dialogue with the United States, and has been removed from the negotiating table.

North Korea ’s expert An Zhengzhi said that Kim Jong -un attended the completion ceremony of the construction project of the construction project in Sanchi Yuan County on December 2, a major experiment was conducted in Dongcangli on December 7, and the North Korean Permanent Representative of the United Nations issued a statement on the 7th.Hua is no longer a topic of negotiations between Chaoge.Taken together, North Korea seems to decide to take a new path, that is, to build strategic weapons by self -reliance.North Korea will continue to enhance military threats and pressure the United States to come up with solutions.

(Reporter is Lianhe Zaobao Seoul Correspondent)