(Reuters Sydney) The Solo Islands Solo Islands in the South Pacific last month caused large -scale riots due to the government's pro -Beijing. China announced on Thursday that it would send police officers and riot supplies to the Solomon Islands, and helped train police officers in the country.

The Solomon Islands government said in a statement the day before yesterday that China sent six police liaison officers that they will provide equipment and training for the Solomon Islands police forces.The statement said that the equipment provided by China includes shields, helmets, batons, and "other non -fatal equipment to further improve the Solomon Islands police to deal with future threats."

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference in Beijing: "China has resolutely support the Solomon Islands government to maintain domestic stability, maintain bilateral relations, and safeguard the rights of Chinese citizens in the Solomon Islands."

The main factor that caused the riots last month was that the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre had broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2019 and established diplomatic relations with China. This diplomatic move caused anti -China mood.The anti -government riots attacked the capital Honeyla. At least three were killed, dozens of buildings were burned or robbed, and Chinatown was looted.Sogovre attributed the riots on the "Taiwan agent" of Maleta, but Taiwan denied any relationship with the turmoil.

The Solomon Islands is located about 1,500 kilometers northeast of Australia.In recent years, Australia has been working hard to strengthen relations with the Pacific island nation in order to resist China's increasing influence in the South Pacific.

For China's dispatch police officers to the Solomon Islands, Australian Foreign Ministry spokesman said: "We know that China is expected to participate in the security affairs of Honiala. This is a matter of the Solomon Islands government."