Fu Zhu [email protected]

Tokyo Special Commissioner

A number of major media in Japan reported yesterday that Trump's price to Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had to raise the US military in Japan from the current $ 2 billion (about S $ 2.7 billion) to $ 8 billion to $ 8 billion per year.

According to reports, the Trump administration requested its major Asian allies Japan and South Korea to increase the US military's residence funds by three to four times.

A number of major media in Japan reported yesterday that Trump's price to Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had to raise the US military in Japan from the current $ 2 billion (about S $ 2.7 billion) to $ 8 billion to $ 8 billion per year.

According to Kyodo News, the Japanese government sources revealed that the Trump administration had three times the Trump administration's request for the U.S. military for residence.It is reported that the national security adviser Bolton and the then US director of the US National Security Council Matt Matt, Matt, conveyed the request when visiting Japan in July this year, and the Japanese side expressed rejection.

According to reports, Japanese officials who met with the United States at that time include the then foreign minister Kawano Kawano, the defense ministers Iwa Iwa, and the then director of the National Security Agency Tana Taro.Regarding the burden of residential expenses, the 2019 budget is included in about 197.4 billion yen (about S $ 2.5 billion). If it increases three times, the latest US demand is more than 980 billion yen.

Japan and the United States are agreed to review the proportion of the garrison burden every five years, and the current agreement is valid to March next year.At this time, the United States asked Tokyo to bear more military expenses, accused of trying to squeeze Asian allies, and let all allies invest more in defense.

The US magazine's foreign policy also quoted the news on the 15th that Trump's restarted negotiations with North Korea had to restart without nuclear negotiations in order to maintain the stability of the region and demanded that its Asian allies bear more military expenses.The U.S. military currently stays at 54,000 people in Japan, about half of the military bases stationed in Okinawa.It is reported that Tokyo currently gives the US military for about 2 billion US dollars, and the US government has requested to increase to about 8 billion US dollars.

According to Japan and the United States Security Treaty, the United States is obliged to defend Japan, but Japan has no obligation to prevent the United States.In June of this year, Trump expressed his dissatisfaction with Japan -US security treaties before attending the G20 summit in Osaka.Trump has always believed that the Japanese and American security treaty is unfair and demands that Japan increases its burden on military expenses.

Bolton also requires similar requirements for Handi

Foreign policy revealed that Bolton also made similar requirements for South Korea in July.At present, there are 28,500 people stationed in South Korea, and the United States requires South Korea to pay five times more than currently.Last year, when the Japanese and South Korean agreements expired, Trump asked Seoul to increase military expenses by 50 %.According to the clause of the agreement, Seoul will pay about $ 1 billion, and the two parties agree to re -negotiate the agreement every year.

When Japanese media quoted foreign policy reports, they also focused on some objections in the United States.Sample news news pointed out that in the issue of garrison funds, some people within the US government did not agree with Trump's approach.

Some experts warn that pressure on the Asian allies significantly increased their burdens, which may exacerbate the tension between the United States and Asian allies, thereby making competitors profit.

According to yesterday's report, the report of the Sankei quoted a Twitter post from Has, the chairman of the US research institution in the United States research institution, and said that pressure on the allies in the garrison of the garrison may lead to serious consequences.

Has warned: Trump did this, and may be to find an excuse to withdraw the US military from South Korea.However, this may trigger war, and the possibility of Japanese nuclear martialization will also increase.