(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden said that the United States has the ability and is ready to fight against the rapid spread of coronary virus, Omikon, the local epidemic will not return to the severe level of 2020.

Biden delivered a national speech at the White House on Tuesday, and announced a series of new measures to respond to the rebound of winter epidemic.The United States) There were 200 million people who completely vaccinated the crown disease. We are ready to prepare and know more about the epidemic. We only need to focus on. "

Omikon has become the main coronary strain spread in the United States, accounting for more than 70%of local crown disease cases.Bynden pointed out that although Omikon may lead to infection with a "large number", the possibility of severe illness is very low; especially those who vaccinate the additional agent, they are likely to be asymptomatic or mild.

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About 65%of the population qualified for vaccination qualifications at the age of 5 and above has been vaccinated.Biden said these people will celebrate Christmas as usual, and those who have not yet been vaccinated are facing "significant and high risk of hospitalization or even dying.He accused those who had not been vaccinated without fulfilling their "patriotic obligations" and urged everyone to vaccinate additional agents to improve the protection of Omiko's strains.He also mentioned that his predecessor Trump also took over the addition, saying that "this may be one of the few things he and my opinion."

Bynden pointed out that in addition to the vaccine, the United States also has medical equipment reserves including personal protection equipment and ventilator, and it also knows how to curb virus transmission when avoiding schools to avoid closing the school; this means that with last yearCompared to the United States is now in a more favorable position.

The U.S. government will set up a new crown disease testing site and temporary flow vaccination site, and will provide the people with 500 million sets of home coronal virus detection kits from the people from January next year.

New Yorkers can get $ 100 award

Biden also announced that the emergency medical team immediately dispatched the emergency medical team to Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Hampshire, and Vermont's six states facing the shortage of medical staff.In January and February next year, the federal government will also dispatch 1,000 doctors, nurses, and military medical staff to support hospitals.

To curb virus spread, some local governments in the United States have also introduced new measures.New York City Mayor Bai Sihao announced on Tuesday that citizens who vaccinated vaccines operated by the municipal government before the end of the year will receive a $ 100 cash reward.

New York City is one of the US hot spot.Nevertheless, Bai Sihao stated that he would not seal the city again, and it is expected that the epidemic will only last for several weeks.

Governor of California, Governor of New Telm, announced on the same day that all medical staff in the state must be added with additional inoculation.Chicago City stipulates that people must show the vaccination certificate to enter indoor places such as restaurants, bars, gyms, etc.