Palestinian demonstrators raised an illustration in the anti -Turkish demonstration, and portrayed Turkish President Erdogan as the Iraqi tissue terrorists who prepared Kurds, and satirized that Western leaders did nothing; stood in the painting;The leftmost US President Trump was indifferent to himself. The Russian President Putin Golden Pen was washed his hands, and the European Union on the other side became an ostrich who drilled his head into Sali.(Agence France -Presse)

The US House of Representatives passed a motion condemning the U.S. withdrawal operation with a overwhelming majority ticket.On the day of Congress leader and Trump's meeting on the Turkish Syrian issue, it was also dispersed because of discord between the two sides.

(Washington Comprehensive) U.S. President Trump once again defended the withdrawal from northern Syria on Wednesday (October 16), saying that this is a wise decision.He also denied that Turkey attacking Kurdish armed green lights, saying that he had believed in Turkish President Erdogan and tried to stop him from sending troops.

At the same time, the US House of Representatives passed a proposal to condemn the US withdrawal operation with a overwhelming majority ticket.On the day of Congress leader and Trump's meeting on the Turkish Syrian issue, it was also dispersed because of discord between the two sides.

Trump told the media on Wednesday that he did not turn on the other party when he called the northern part of Turkey before entering the northern Syria and Erdogan Tong. Instead, he immediately wrote a powerful letter after hanging up the phone to try to prevent Turkish action from action.Essence

In a letter written on October 9, Trump called on Erdogan to reach a good agreement!And warned him not to be a tough guy, not to be stupid.He wrote: I think you don't want to be the culprit of slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be the culprit that destroys the Turkish economy.If you deal with this matter in a correct and humane way, history will look at you from a positive vision.If there is no good thing, history will always treat you as a devil.

According to reports, the Republican allies tried to regard the letter as evidence to prove that the Trump administration had warned Turkey not to take wrong actions.

Trump emphasized that he ensured the security of the U.S. military.He also said that the Kurds were not angels, and war between Syria and Turkey had nothing to do with the United States.

Iraqi Organizes fled by chaos or wait for the opportunity to get a comeback

Trump also said that despite Turkey's relationship with NATO ally, he believes that the US nuclear weapons in the Gillik Air Force Base in Turkey are still safe.

He also diluted the outside world's concerns about the terrorist Islamic State militants who could escape, saying that this statement aims to force the U.S. military to return to Syria.

Mattilla, chairman of the UN Security Council and representative of the South African resident in the United Nations, said that members of the Security Council may further deteriorate the risk of the risks of terrorists in the northeast of Syria and the Syrian humanitarian situation.

Zhang Jun, a permanent representative of the United Nations, said that China is highly concerned about the situation in Northeast Syria.Turkey has recently adopted unilateral military operations on Syria, exacerbating the complexity and vulnerability of the situation in Northeast Syria.Regarding military operations make the Syrian counter -terrorism situation more severe, leading to the flee of Syrian terrorists, the Iranian organization forces may take the opportunity to come back, threatening Syria, the Middle East, and even international peace and security.

On Wednesday, Türkiye entered the eighth day of military operations in the northern Syrian.On the same day, the Turkish Army firmed the villages near the Township of Malikier in the northeast of Hassek Province and the villages near Dalbasier in the northern part of the province, causing multiple residential damage.The number released by the Ministry of Defense shows that so far, 653 Kurdish militants have been wiped out by the Turkish Army or surrendered to the Turkish Army.

On Thursday, US Vice President Pence and US Secretary of State Pompeo will visit Turkey for mediation.

US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said on Wednesday that if Turkey does not stop military operations in Northern Syrian, the United States is preparing to carry out further economic sanctions against Turkey.

Trump announced his withdrawal from the northern Syrian on the 6th, and Turkey launching an offensive on the local Kurdish armed forces on the 9th.Because the Kurdish armed forces played an important role in fighting the Iraqi organization, Trump's decision caused a strong attack.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a proposal with 354 votes against 60 opposition votes to condemn the US withdrawal decision and asked Erdogan to immediately receive troops.In favor of the votes, 129 members of the Republican Party owned by Trump.

Later that day, the Democratic Parliament leader held talks with Trump on the Turkish Syrian border crisis.Senate's minority party leader Shu Mo said that Trump said at the meeting that Peroson Politatators, the Speaker of the House, were three -stricken politicians, and Shumo and Pelosi left the scene halfway.

Pelosi told reporters that Trump was out of control at the meeting because many Republicans stood at the Democratic Party to condemn him.

Trump posted a post in Twitter, referring to Perosi's spiritual problems.He said: She is either lsquo; rosquo; there is a problem, or I don't like our great country.