▼ The Syrian rebels supported by Turkey went to northeast Syria yesterday to deal with the Syrian Kurdish armed forces with the Turkish army.(AFP)

Türkiye bombarded northeast of Syria, forcing local civilians to panic.(AFP)

Faced with criticism of the international community, Turkish President Erdogan accused the country's dishonesty in the country, and threatened to send millions of Syrian refugees in China to Europe.Erdogan assumes that after completing the military operation, Northeast Syria will no longer exist in Islamic State.

(Istanbul Composite Electric) Turkey said on Thursday that its military operations launched in northeastern Syria are performed as planned.Go advance.

Faced with criticism of the international community, Turkish President Erdogan accused the country's dishonesty in the country, and threatened to send millions of Syrian refugees in China to Europe.

Turkey launched an offensive on Kurdish armed forces in the northeast of Syria on Wednesday to set up a security zone locally to place Syrian refugees.The European Union immediately called on Turkey to stop action and stated that it would not provide any funds for its security zone plans.

When Erdogan spoke to the ruling members on Thursday, he warned the European Union not to say three and four.He said: Hey the European Union, wake up.Let me say it again, if you try to depict our actions there as invasion of Hello; hellip; we will open the door and send 3.6 million immigrants to you.

There are 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey.Turkey reached an agreement with the European Union in 2016 and agreed not to let these refugees go to Europe in exchange for EU funds and civil citizens to enter the European visa.

Erdogan assumes that after Turkey's military operation, Northeast Syria will no longer exist in Islamic State.He said 109 terrorists were killed in the operation.He shouted to the soldiers who were forced to join the Syrian People's Defender (YPG): If you leave Hello; hellip; our arms are open.

The Turkish Department of Defense said on Thursday that Turkey's howites and air strikes have hit 181 targets in northern Syria.The Turkish Army has penetrated 7 kilometers of Talfiyard, the town of the Syrian border, and the speed of moving at the other side of Ainjiao is slow because of the fierce artillery fire.

The People's Defense Forces and other Kurdish armed forces have long assisted the United States to crack down on Iraqi organizations, but they are regarded as terrorists by Turkey.Although the United States does not support Turkey this operation, withdrawal from the relevant regions is equivalent to acquiring Turkey to attack Kurds.

US President Trump said to this decision that the United States has provided a lot of assistance to Kurds. On the contrary, the Kurdish forces did not help the United States during World War II.

Trump told the media in the White House on Wednesday: They did not help us Hello; Hellip; we spent a lot of money to help Kurds.

Trump pointed out that although the Kurds fought side by side with the United States, they fought for their own land.He said: Alliance is very easy, but our allies accounted for us cheap.

Joseph Votel, who used to be the highest commander of the Middle East, wrote in the Atlantic Monthly on the 8th, accusing Trump of abandoning allies.He wrote: Abandoning this policy may lead to a loss of efforts to crack down on Iraqi organizations over the past five years. In any future battle that requires a strong allies, the reputation and reliability of the United States will be greatly reduced.

Trump, one of the closest allies in the Republican Party and Senator Graham, also believes that this will be the biggest mistake made by Trump.

Graham and Democratic Senator Van Horon are pushing a motion to impose severe sanctions on Turkey when the Turkish army refuses to withdraw from Syria.

According to a report from Reuters, Akarta armed forces have been forced to suspend the crackdown against the remaining Iraqi organizers in Syria.

The Iraqi President Saleh warned on Wednesday that Turkey's actions will make Turkey stronger and call on the world to unite to avoid disasters.The Arab League will hold an emergency meeting on Türkiye on weekends.

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