The American missile destroyer Miye sailed freely near the Xisha Islands last Friday to challenge China in the South China Sea.The picture shows the situation where the destroyer participated in the Ayanian MDASH in the Gulf of Siam on September 5; the American Maritime Exercise.(Agence France -Presse)

Last Friday's free navigation operation was the sixth similar action conducted by the US Navy this year.Compared with eight times in 2017 and 2018, and only six times in the short term of US President Obama, the frequency increased significantly.

(Washington Composite Electric) The US military has recently developed frequent actions on China. In addition to conducting maritime cruise and missile testing, it also conducts login exercises, showing that the Pentagon is intensifying the threat of China's military strength.

Last Friday, the American missile destroyer Miye drove in the waters near the Xisha Islands, challenging China ’s sovereignty's claim in the South China Sea, and confirming the right of international boats in the sea.

The U.S. seventh fleet spokesman Momson pointed out at the time that China's sovereignty advocates that the Innocent Passage will be prevented by other countries, which is not allowed by international law.

Last Friday's free navigation operation was the sixth similar action conducted by the US Navy this year.Compared with eight times in 2017 and 2018, and only six times in the short term of US President Obama, the frequency increased significantly.

Last Wednesday, the U.S. Marine Corps launched a exercise in Toridine, hundreds of kilometers south of Tokyo, Japan, practicing landing on the enemy coast and occupying the landing belt.The military exercise is obviously to highlight the ability of the US military to enter the sovereign dispute islands and establish an air action supply base.

One of the officers in charge of the officer Sezaro pointed out that such assault operations will improve the strength of the U.S. military in India's MDASH; the Pacific region and the expedition to fight in the coastal environment that may cause controversy.

US Defense Secretary Esper has previously stated that it will adopt strategic confrontation policies to China and Russia.He chose Asia as the first overseas visit place within a few weeks after he took office.He made it clear that the United States hopes to quickly deploy new missiles in Asia to fight against China's rise in military forces, and the deployment operation may be launched within a few months.

Last Thursday, McCarthy, the Minister of Army, defended the US -developed new missiles.He shows that the United States' development of new medium -range conventional missiles will change the balance in Southeast Asia.

Last month, the United States chose a test of a conventional land -based medium -range ballistic missile in the Pacific Ocean.This is the first time that the United States has conducted medium -range missile testing since the end of the Cold War. It is also the first publicly announced test -to -range missile after the United States withdrawn from the central guidance treaty signed with Russia earlier this year.

Establishing space forces at the end of last month

In addition, the United States also established a space force at the end of last month to ensure the advantages of the United States in space in order to respond to the threat brought by China's rapid rise in this new battlefield.

China fired a missile in 2007, destroying a Chinese satellite, which highlights that China is expanding its space military capabilities, and it has also caused great concern from the US military.