(Washington Comprehensive Electric) Coronatic Motor Oyama OlympicsMik Rong has spread to 43 states in the United States. Fuqi, a chief infectious disease expert in the United States, said that in some states, the gene sequencing detection of cases performed by cases was measured.Delta mutant strains have become the mainstream strains of crown disease in the United States.

Fudge on Sunday in the "National Love Counseling" program in the United States CNN (CNN) pointed out that it will be very difficult in the next few weeks to a few months.Number of cases, inpatients and death cases.

He said that although the authorities have foresee that there will be new crown mutant strains, it does not expect its mutation level to be so great."When Omikon's case doubles in a short time, it will soon become dominant. If Omikon replaced Delta (becoming the mainstream strain), I am not surprised at all."

Fudi did not indicate that more than 50%of the gene sequencing detection in which regions in the United States were measured, but he said that in some regions, especially where the vaccination rate of coronary vaccines is low, it will be due to the epidemic situation.Severe pressure on the medical system.

According to the official website of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US Department of Health and Public Service (HHS) divided the nation into 10 areas according to the local offices set up by the Ministry; among themOmiqoron in the second and seventh districts accounted for a high proportion of cases.

HHS's website information shows that the second district includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.The seventh district covers the State of Aiwa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.

New York cases have doubled a month

Due to the rapid transmission of Omikon in New York in the United States, the confirmed cases of crown disease have been in the past monthSurgery twice.New York Mayor Bai Sihao asked the federal government for help to increase the testing of the city's testing and medical supplies.

He held a press conference on Sunday and pointed out that President Biden must do his best to fight against Omikon.He suggested that the government quoted the National Defense Production Law to increase the options for testing and the treatment of crown diseases, including providing monoclonal antibodies, and accelerating antiviral drugs developed by Pfizer.

He said: "We (New York) have deeply felt the wave of Omikon, we also know that it will sweep the whole country. The whole country will fight with it."

New York State Sunday has added 24,000 cases of confirmed cases on Sunday, with a high innovation high for three consecutive days.Bai Sihao pointed out that the seven -day average daily cases reported in New York State from 5731 were "shocking".

He said that in order to deal with the problem of surge in cases, New York City will try its best to increase the vaccination rate of coronary vaccines and enhanced agents."Waiting for testing for too long is also a challenge. Therefore, New York City will add new testing locations and extend the working time of existing testing locations. At the same time, the tools that can be tested at home through community organizations."