(Berlin Reuters) Germany's Derivult Mirror Weekly reported that Walters, the Supreme Commander of NATO European Allied Forces, suggested the allies, expanded the army to Bulgaria and Romania, and increase the existence of NATO in East Wing to cope with Russia's border with Ukraine.Gather the army in large quantities.

It is reported that Walters suggested that it should expand NATO's "EnhanceDForwardpresence" operation to enhance NATO's influence.At present, NATO has passed the operation to deploy troops in the Baltic countries and eastern Poland.

Walters is also commander of the European Command.The report of Derspiegel did not directly quote his conversation. It only said that according to the information he controlled, Walters "called for a video dialogue with the military head of NATO's" partner country ".Essence

Once this proposal is implemented, it will strengthen NATO's military existence in Romania and Bulgaria through the "enhanced cutting -edge garrison" operation.

NATO is unwilling to comment on the above reports.However, Reuters pointed out that both Bulgaria and Romania want NATO to enter.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg stated on Friday that NATO's "continuous evaluation and adjustment in the southeast of the relevant areas, because we must ensure that we can protect and defend all the allies from any threat."

Russia gathered more than 100,000 soldiers in the border with Ukraine to raise tensions in the tension between the two countries.NATO has repeatedly reminded Russia to invade Ukraine. The Russian side has repeatedly denied plans to invade Ukraine, and stated that NATO's actions and Ukraine may join NATO's security that has threatened Russia. Russia has the right to mobilize troops to defend territory in the country.