(Washington Comprehensive) U.S. President Trump said on Saturday that because Afghanistan Taliban launched a suicide car bomb attack in Kabul, a U.S. soldier died. He had canceled the secret talks with the leader of Afghanistan and the Taliban leader in David.And suspend the peace talks between the United States and the Taliban.However, Taliban said that Trump's move would only cause more lives and property losses to the United States.

Trump tweeted on the same day: Almost everyone did not know that the main leader of the Taliban and Afghanistan President Gani had a secret talks with me at the David Camp on Sunday Sunday.Last Thursday launched an attack in Kabul, which killed 12 people including a US soldier.I immediately canceled the talks and stopped the peace talks.This is the fourth US soldier who died in Afghanistan within two weeks.

Trump strongly condemned in the tweet: Who would kill so many people in order to strengthen the bargaining chips?They did not succeed, but it was even worse!

Taliban spokesman Mujashid issued a statement on Sunday and responded that Americans will suffer more damage than others because of the US suspension of peace talks.However, some analysts suspected that the explosion was not the main cause of the failure of the peace talks, but in the inside story.Miller, director of the Asian department of the International Crisis, pointed out that there have been several attacks on Taliban recently. As for why the bomb attacks in Kabul have become the reason for the suspension of peace talks, it is unclear.

According to two people familiar with the matter, Trump has been frustrated with peace talks. His national security adviser Bolton believes that the principle agreement that has been reached is not enough and remind Trump's might be the trap.Trump said in tweet that he canceled the talks because there may be a meaningful agreement of the Taliban representatives anyway.

The Associated Press reported that it was only a few days before the commemorative day of the September 1st terrorist attack, and Trump was willing to meet with the Taliban leader during this period, which was surprising.

The United States launched the Afghanistan war after the Nine 11 terrorist attacks, overthrowing the Taliban regime, which was identified by the United States as shelters, and then the United States was trapped in the quagmire, and the situation in Afghanistan continued to be turbulent.However, the cancellation of the talks is also inconsistent with Trump's decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, ending for 18 years, and it is also the longest war in the United States.

Afghan government: Any peacetime must have government representatives to participate

A few days ago, the United States specially represented on behalf of Harryler Zard in Afghanistan that the United States and Taliban had reached a draft peace agreement. The United States will withdraw 5,000 people from Afghanistan within 135 days.Extreme forces prevents extreme armed personnel from treating Afghanistan as a shelter.After the United States hopes to withdraw the American soldiers, Taliban and Afghanistan can conduct more negotiations and reach permanent peace.

Regarding Trump's decision to cancel talks with Taliban leaders, the Afghan government said on Sunday that only Taliban stopped killing, accepted ceasefire, and directly dialogated with the Afghan government to achieve peace.

It also said that without the participation of the Afghan government representatives, no peace talks will obtain the expected results.Earlier, the Taliban determined that the Afghan government was a puppet supported by the United States and refused to talk directly with it.

Agence France -Presse reported that government officials in Afghanistan believed that the government was marginalized in the peace process and was worried that Taliban was in power again. The United States withdrew the army as soon as possible and regardless of Afghanistan's interests.