The "three -driving troide -carriage" speed of China's economy 2024 needs to elim
The "three -driving troide -carriage" speed of China's economy 2024 needs to elim
The annual economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday (January 17) showed that the annual GDP (GDP) increased by 5.2%year -on -year. In the past year, the road of recovery of China's economy was three%off MDASH...
2024-06-21 04:11:45
The possibility of "facing Putin alone" makes Europe panic
The possibility of "facing Putin alone" makes Europe panic
Belgian Political News· Angelos.Article excerpts as follows: The greatest security challenge facing Europe since the Cold War is to fund and armed Ukraine's panic outlook without US support.At a memorial service held on the 22nd, this prob...
2024-06-21 04:11:42
US media: Is Europe prepared for "Trump's return"?
US media: Is Europe prepared for "Trump's return"?
Is the US Voice Radio website published on January 19? Is it prepared for Europe for Trump's possible return?The author is Henry Richwell.The article compiles as follows: European allies in the United States are discussing how to prepare fo...
2024-06-21 01:32:04
Xiangliping: What is the secret of Hong Kong's longevity?
Xiangliping: What is the secret of Hong Kong's longevity?
Source: China News Agency Author: Xiang Lu Pacific Hong Kong Statistics Monthly published a few days ago shows that Hong Kong men and women's average expected life expectancy in 2022 are 80.7 years and 86.8 years, which are comparable to ec...
2024-06-21 01:32:01
<b>Comment: Did North Korea really want to launch a war?</b>
Comment: Did North Korea really want to launch a war?
The world is already in crisis, and now there is another: North Korea is showing extremely unusual dynamics. Some senior experts are worried that it may be preparing to launch a sudden attack on South Korea and even Japan and Kagama. Since...
2024-06-21 01:31:58
<b>Jin Jianguo: China does not want Trump to be in power again</b>
Jin Jianguo: China does not want Trump to be in power again
Trump may be reorganized on power. The politician website on January 3 this year pointed out that Trump's current support rate among Republican preliminary voters exceeds 60%.Trump may become the presidential candidate of the Republican Par...
2024-06-21 01:31:55
Chen Liujun: "Trump Trustion" is again up?
Chen Liujun: "Trump Trustion" is again up?
As long as the environment permits and the conditions are mature, there may be more "Trump -style" characters appear, and the world is holding breath.However, it is necessary to be awake that if this "Trump Trustion" is viewed from the long...
2024-06-21 01:31:52
Zhanghuyue: China's short -sighted artificial intelligence supervision
Zhanghuyue: China's short -sighted artificial intelligence supervision
The Beijing Internet Court on artificial intelligence (AI) generating content can be protected by copyright protection, causing a sensation in the artificial intelligence industry, especially because it conflicts with other major jurisdicti...
2024-06-21 01:31:49
Zhang Tiancha: Can AI diagnose and treat patients?
Zhang Tiancha: Can AI diagnose and treat patients?
AMIE has a long way to go to clinical diagnosis and treatment diseases, and it can only be a assistant to real doctors in the clinic, and cannot diagnose the disease alone.One of the most fundamental problems is that even if it is stronger...
2024-06-21 01:31:45
Comment: Why does the stubbornness of China rise?When is it expected to end?
Comment: Why does the stubbornness of China rise?When is it expected to end?
Source: Bloomberg China's shrinkage momentum is difficult to curb.In the last quarter, a price index appeared the longest duration tightening since the Asian financial crisis at the end of the 1990s.The weak demand will continue to make the...
2024-06-21 01:31:42
Yan Mengda: The sun was awakened by the rooster?
Yan Mengda: The sun was awakened by the rooster?
Politically, the people have no "patents", and the people are the image of the people to establish the party and the opponents. As the largest opposition party in the Singapore Parliament, the Workers' Party often expresses their views and...
2024-06-21 01:31:39
Han Yongmei: The appearance of more equal society
Han Yongmei: The appearance of more equal society
Money can solve the problem, which can be treated by focusing on solving money. "Not equal enough" is often not just a matter of money. It is difficult to deal with other, including knowledge gap and labor market structure structure.And oth...
2024-06-21 01:31:36
Liu Jiazheng: Sudu greedy
Liu Jiazheng: Sudu greedy
Investigation by the Corruption Council , friends far away from Taiwan came with words. Yi Huaren was charged with two controls and violated two items to prevent corruption laws, and 24 civil servants requested valuables or gifts. After a c...
2024-06-20 22:52:02
Wang Shuyang: Yi Huaren's first ticket
Wang Shuyang: Yi Huaren's first ticket
"Are there any mistakes? Is one less 'zero'?" Some people were surprised, , in the controlled details, the car races, ball games, and stage drama tickets are listed, and one hundred yuan of numbers look a little sesame and mung beans.There...
2024-06-20 22:51:59
Comment: What is the underwater nuclear weapon system in North Korea?
Comment: What is the underwater nuclear weapon system in North Korea?
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense in North Korea issued a statement a few days ago, announcing that North Korea has conducted an important test of underwater nuclear weapons systems in the easte...
2024-06-20 22:51:56