<b>International Special: Three -headed carriage competes to dominate the future of the M</b>
International Special: Three -headed carriage competes to dominate the future of the M
Saudi Arabia with strong economic strength has long occupied the status of the "elder brother" in the Middle East, but this trend has changed in recent years.At the same time that Saudi Arabia has worked hard to promote economic transformat...
2023-12-10 07:42:44
The Israeli Army increased the offensive and many men in the northern part of the town
The Israeli Army increased the offensive and many men in the northern part of the town
(Gaza Comprehensive Electric) Israel continued to increase its offensive against the Gaza Strip, and there were fierce battles in the south and north of the local area, and hundreds of casualties.At the same time, social media circulated th...
2023-12-10 07:42:42
The United States veto the Security Council with Harbin Fire and decide the disappoint
The United States veto the Security Council with Harbin Fire and decide the disappoint
(New York/Gaza Composite Electric) The United States exercises the veto right on Friday (December 8) to prevent the United Nations Security Council from adopting a call The resolution of immediately ceaseing the fire with haha , the represe...
2023-12-10 07:42:40
Russia: The development of the Arctic has attracted 766 project funds for S $ 25.5 bil
Russia: The development of the Arctic has attracted 766 project funds for S $ 25.5 bil
Russia announceThe total investment will reach 1.75 trillion rubles (S $ 25.5 million). Xinhua News Agency reported that Husseinov, the first deputy minister of the Far East and Arctic Development Department of Russia on Thursday (December...
2023-12-08 15:42:43
Hunt Biden's tax evasion can be prisoned for 17 years in the face of nine control
Hunt Biden's tax evasion can be prisoned for 17 years in the face of nine control
US President Biden's son Heette Biden(Hunter Biden) For a number of tax evasion, he faced nine tax control in California.This is the second time he has been charged by special prosecutors this year to investigate his personal and commercial...
2023-12-08 15:42:41
Japanese economy atrophic exacerbation and recovery after the epidemic loses the kinet
Japanese economy atrophic exacerbation and recovery after the epidemic loses the kinet
The degree of Japanese economic atrophy, private consumption dataThe revision was a decline, and this result highlighted the vulnerability of the economic recovery after the epidemic. Bloomberg reported that the revised data released by the...
2023-12-08 15:42:38
Disney also withdrawn from the X platform Musk anger
Disney also withdrawn from the X platform Musk anger
Add to Walt Disney companyResisting the advertising team on the social media platform X, Musk raised the criticism of criticism and publicly accused the entertainment giant of the CEO Bob Iger for the second time. Musk said on his social me...
2023-12-08 15:42:36
COP28 Summit urges to gradually reduce the opposition of the Minister of Energy of Fos
COP28 Summit urges to gradually reduce the opposition of the Minister of Energy of Fos
Saig Arab Energy Salman stated that Saudi does not not.The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) summit held in Dubai adopted a word of words to gradually reduce the use of fossil fuel. Bloomberg reported that Salman was asked in a TV i...
2023-12-05 10:22:41
The White House warning funds are about to be exhausted
The White House warning funds are about to be exhausted
(Washington Composite Electric) Saranda Yang, director of the White House Management and Budget Office, warned that the aid to Ukraine is about to exhaust, and the United States is about to "have no time". Congress must approve more funds f...
2023-12-05 10:22:39
Hamas said that the hostage would not exchange hostages before Gagosa stopped fire.
Hamas said that the hostage would not exchange hostages before Gagosa stopped fire.
Hamas Deputy Commander Aruri told Peninsula TV that before Gaza stopped, he would no longer exchange prisoners with the seized hostages.Vice President of the United States and Minister of Defense said that Israel is required to protect Gaza...
2023-12-03 10:22:27
More than a year ago, it was known that the attack plan Israel did not believe Hamas h
More than a year ago, it was known that the attack plan Israel did not believe Hamas h
(Tel Aviv News) The documents and emails obtained by the New York Times and interviews showed that Israeli officials have long been in More than a year before the Hamas attack on October 7, I learned about Hamas's combat plan.However, the I...
2023-12-02 07:42:33
Israel restores bombing Gaza to say that more than a hundred people die
Israel restores bombing Gaza to say that more than a hundred people die
(Tel Aviv / Gasha Composite Electric) Gagha Warfire was redeemed on Friday, and the army resumed military operations.Gaza revealed that a few hours after the start of the battle, more than a hundred people died. Israeli and Hamas Fire Fire...
2023-12-02 07:42:31
US media: The top ten global trends that affect 2024
US media: The top ten global trends that affect 2024
The U.S. Forbes Double Weekly website published on October 31st entitled to the future navigation -articles defining the top ten global trends in 2024. The author is Bernard Malta, a future scholar and best -selling author.The full text is...
2023-11-30 18:22:35
Foreign Media: The US House of Representatives "blocked" tightening the terms of in
Foreign Media: The US House of Representatives "blocked" tightening the terms of in
According to the Singapore United Morning Post website reported on November 29, Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter, and the House of Representatives of the United States prepared to abandon the use of the annual defense author...
2023-11-30 18:22:33
Seeing Hamas's killing parents in the United States, a four -year -old girl, rele
Seeing Hamas's killing parents in the United States, a four -year -old girl, rele
(Nantakit Comprehensive) U.S. President Biden confirmed that the third batch of hostages released by Palestine's radical organization include the four -year -old girl with a double nationality.Biden said that the little girl witnessed her p...
2023-11-28 10:22:33