South Korean media reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has recently changed a luxurious Marseille Masai Maybach S650.This means that there are still vulnerabilities in the United Nations Security Council on the implementation of luxury sanctions on North Korea.

South Korea's SBS news station pointed out that the people at the National Mother Conference held in Pyongyang on December 3 and 4 were in order to take a photo with Kim Jong -un.Kim Jong -un took a special car and could see the new car at a glance.On the back of the new car is the "Maybach" logo and S650.

When Kim Jong -un visited Russia in September, he transported his Marseille Land to Russia with a special train, but the back of the car he took at the time did not have the words of the Maybach logo and the S650.It is generally expected that Kim Jong -un may have replaced special cars in the past one or two months.

Reports pointed out that this car is a new type of Marseille, Marseille, which was issued in 2019.Because the Marseille Maybach S650 is the highest -level car, which is a luxury that the Security Council is prohibited from exporting towards the export.

According to the New York Times, the Marseille Land entered North Korea in 2019 and investigated it. It was imported to North Korea through five countries in four months, and this new car is expected to smuggle more than many countries to North Korea.

Analysis pointed out that this means that the international community still has a lot of loopholes on North Korea's severe sanctions.

Japan's Asahi Shimbun reported that the Japanese police investigated the headquarters of an import and export enterprise headquarters of Chiba City, Kanagawa Prefecture on the 7th with suspected violation of the tariff law.

It is reported that the company plans to export a Toyota Lexus car worth more than 10 million yen (approximately S $ 90,000) from Singapore and Bangladesh from Yokohama Port.

After North Korea conducted the third nuclear test in March 2013, the Security Council passed the decision to the North Korean sanctions No. 2094 to prohibit luxury goods such as high -end cars from entering North Korea.In addition, in December 2017, the Security Council unanimously passed the sanctions resolution on North Korea No. 2397 to prohibit transportation from exporting to North Korea.