(Washington Composite Electric) US President Biden said that Israel's non -differential bombing of the Gaza Strip is losing international support and stated that Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu must change his hardliness government.This is the most severe criticism of Israel since the Harbin conflict, highlighting the cracks in the United States due to the increasingly severe casualties in Gaza.

Bayeng on Tuesday (December 12) said at a campaign fundraising activity in Washington that Israel has received support for most countries including the United States and the European Union, including the Agevis Organization of Palestine's radical organization in Washington, but "theyIt is because of no different bombardment and starts to lose support. "

Biden revealed that Neganahu talked with him privately that the United States had also carried carpet bombing in Germany and the original bullets to Japan, causing many civilians to die.Biden responded to this: "Yes, so we set up all these institutions after World War II to ensure that this situation will not happen again ... Do not make mistakes that we make after the terrorist attack on September 11. We have no reason to have no reason.The war involved in Afghanistan. "

One day before, Biden also warned at the HANUKKKAH event at the White House: "Global public opinion may change overnight. We can't let this happen."

Biden shows that it will continue to support Israel to eliminate Hamas, but it also means that Natanhu must change the "most conservative government in Israeli history."He said: "He (Nei Tanahu) is a good friend, but I think he must change ... This Israeli government makes it difficult for him to act."

He named the Emperor Gevevil, the Minister of National Security, who named the Right-Right, called Ben Gevel and others to refuse the two countries' plans, and not only had to retaliate against Hamas, but also wanted to retaliate against all Palestinians.

Biden also mentioned that Neutana must empower Palestine's power institutions to make it a partner to realize the peace process of the two countries.

Nei Tanahu said earlier that Israel has won full support for the United States on Gaza's ground offensive, and the United States has against the international pressure to stop this war.However, he also acknowledged that Israel and the United States have different post -war management of Gaza, hoping that the two countries can reach an agreement.

Nei Tanahu emphasized that after the war, Israel will not allow any party to indoctrate, promote and support terrorism economic, and say that Israel will not repeat the mistakes of signing the Oslo Agreement in the 1990s.The Oslo Agreement is a peace agreement signed in the 1990s, and Palestinian power institutions were established as part of the establishment of Palestinian negotiations.

Bynden said at a press conference late on Tuesday that during the visit to Israel, the White House national security adviser, Shali, will reiterate the United States' commitment to Israel and emphasize the need for protecting Gaza civilians.

Shatin said on the same day that his trip will discuss the timetable of the Gaza War with Israeli officials.US Defense Secretary Austin will also visit the Middle East next week.

On the other hand, the UN General Assembly held an emergency special meeting on the 12th to pass a resolution with overwhelming voting results, requiring to immediately achieve humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.This highlights that Israel is increasingly being isolated by diplomacy in this war that Israel is designed to destroy Hamas.

Australia also rarely opposes the United States and casts support votes.Australian Prime Minister Albanis, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Lu Jiefeng issued a joint statement that day, calling for sustainable ceasefire in Gaza.The statement emphasized: "The price of defeating Hamas cannot keep all Palestinian civilians suffering."

The U.S. Permanent Representative of the United Nations Tomas -Grimfeld said before the voting that the United States supports some of the resolutions, but it is dangerous to say that ceasefire is now in both Israelis and Palestinians.

Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Eldan criticized the resolution hypocritical, saying: "It not only does not condemn Hamas's anti -human crimes, but even does not mention Hamas."

Palestinian's rights agencies welcomed the resolutions and called on countries to continue to put pressure on Israel to allow it to abide by the resolution.Hamas also issued a similar statement.

Data from the Ministry of Health of Gaza showed that since the outbreak of Harbin conflict, Gaza has died of 18,000 Palestinians and nearly 50,000 injuries.The United Nations said 85%of Gaza's population was displaced and faced a "public health disaster."

UNOSAT (UNOSAT) analysis based on satellite photos taken on November 26 showed that Gasha had 37,379 buildings damaged or destroyed due to war fire, accounting for 18%of all pre -war buildings in Gaza.The center said that this increased by 49%compared to the last analysis on November 7, highlighting that Gaza urgently needed to stop immediately.

According to World Bank estimates, as of mid -November, Gaza has nearly half of the road, and about 60%of the communication infrastructure, health and education facilities are damaged or destroyed.