(Moscow Comprehensive) Russian President Putin said that the goal of Russia's "special military operations" in Ukraine is unchanged, and it is time for the peace to come after these goals.

Putin said on Thursday (December 14) at the annual press conference held in Moscow: "Let's return to these goals, they have not changed. That is, Ukraine's de -military, militaryization, and its neutral position"

These are the requirements for Ukraine when Putin ordered Ukraine in February last year.Putin said that in terms of de -militaryization, "they (Ukraine) should not negotiate, so we are forced to take other measures, including military operations."

This is the first annual press conference of Putin since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War.Putin said that what happened between Russia and Ukraine was like "the civil war between brothers".For nearly two years of war, the Russian army has been strengthened at almost all front lines in Ukraine, and the situation of the war has made progress.

Ukraine launched a counterattack in June this year, and it has not made much progress.Putin said that since the Black Army has begun counterattack, the Russian army has destroyed 747 Ukraine tanks and more than 2,300 armored vehicles; where Russia occupied has accounted for about one -sixth of the total area of Ukraine.

Putin said that there is no need to mobilize the reserve soldiers.He said that after 300,000 people were recruited last year, as of Wednesday evening, about 486,000 people volunteered to join the army."Those who are going to pick up their weapons to defend the country have not decreased. In addition, there should be about 500,000 people. Until today, there is no need to mobilize."

Putin announced last week that it will seek five -degree re -election president in March next year.He said that his goal is to consolidate Russia's sovereignty, "this means strengthening national defense capabilities and external security." Another priority project is "the right to protect the people."

Putin refers to the unity of Russian social society, the tough financial system, and strong military power. Although it has been sanctioned and political isolation, the country still "moves forward".

He said that now the financial system has remained stable, and national debt has declined. Foreign debt has fallen from 46 billion US dollars (about S $ 611.5 billion) to US $ 32 billion, and fixed asset investment has increased by 10 %.

Putin expects Russia to achieve 3.5 % economic growth at the end of this year. "This is a good indicator, which means that we have recovered from the decline last year."

However, the inflation rate has increased.By the end of this year, the inflation rate is expected to reach 7.5 % or may be higher.Putin said the central bank and the government are taking necessary response measures.

In addition, NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg warned that if Putin won in Ukraine, there would be "real risks" because Putin would not be satisfied with Ukraine, and NATO must continue to support Ukraine.

He said: "Once Putin wins, his aggression may not end there. Our support for Ukraine is not a charity, but a safe investment in us."