(London Reuters) Russian President Putin recently confirmed that he will seek re -election in the presidential election in March next year. Analysts pointed out that Putin has been in power for six years, which means that the tension between Russia and the United States is difficult to alleviate.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Putin has boasted that Russia has the world's most advanced nuclear weapons and can annihilate any provocative.

Putin attended the flag raising ceremony of two new nuclear submarines on Monday (December 11).Although Putin denied that Moscow was showing off nuclear weapons, he had ordered the nuclear military forces to enter the highest alert and deployed tactical nuclear missiles in League Beros; Putin also signed a law last month to revoke the approval of the Treaty of the Nuclear Test.

Analysts pointed out that as Russian regular forces were blocked in the Ukrainian battlefield, and Western countries gradually got rid of Russia's energy constraints, the weights of nuclear weapons in Putin's strategic thinking and deterrent speech have increased.Moscow found that the United States and its allies did not directly participate in the Russian and Ukraine War because they were afraid of Russia to resort to nuclear weapons, so Putin had no intention of negotiating with Washington to reduce the threat of nuclear nuclear threats.

Former Soviet diplomats, Vienna's disarmament and senior researcher of the non -proliferation center, Sonkov, said: "If Russia continues to play nuclear martial arts cards in the United States and NATO, how can it reduce the threat?"

The newly reduced strategic weapon treaty signed by Russia and the United States aims to limit the number of nuclear warheads deployed in Russia and the United States, but this military control agreement will expire on February 4, 2026.Putin is expected to start a new term next year, and it will only be less than two years away from the term of the treaty.In view of various reasons, Russia and the United States will timely reach a consensus extension of the treaty.One of the complex factor is that China is also expanding the nuclear arsenal. In addition, it is unknown who will dominate the White House in 2026.

Putin announced in February this year that Russia suspended the performance of new cutting strategic weapons; Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabkov said last month that if the United States does not change the "hostile route to Russia", the two countries cannot resume dialogue.

Putin often shows off the potential power of Russian new weapon systems such as Sal Mart Intercontinental Missile and the "Haiyan" cruise missile; Riabkov warns that if the United States wants to win another military competition, to some extentRepeated the US -Soviet relations during the Reagan period in the 1980s, "then Americans are wrong, and we will not succumb to provocation."

However, the arms race may not be affordable by Russia."Russia knows an unrestrained and new nuclear weapons competition that is unbearable and cannot be supported.Russia has weakened in most aspects. "