(New York/Gaza Composite Electric) The United States exercises the veto right on Friday (December 8) to prevent the United Nations Security Council from adopting a call The resolution of immediately ceaseing the fire with haha , the representatives of many nations, especially the Arab countries, regretted and disappointed this.

Thirteen of the 15 members of the Security Council voted for the votes, and the British voted for votes. Only the United States voted against it.The votes in favor of China, Russia, France, Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland and the UAE.

Wood, deputy representative of the United States, said that the resolution was unbalanced, separated from reality and danger. He said: "The draft resolution calls for unconditional ceasefire, and will only let Hamas's attack on October 7th."

Loving 97 countries before the decision

The draft resolution was proposed by the UAE, and it was supported and mentioned by 97 countries before the voting.The UAE expressed disappointment and regret that the Security Council failed to call on humanitarian ceasefire and deviated from the founding spirit of the organization.

Palestine's representative of the United Nations Mansur pointed out that supporting war is to support the harm of human beings.He said: "For the Security Council, this is a terrible day."

Palestinian President Abbas issued a statement on Saturday (9th), stating that the United States rejected the ceasefire resolution and made the United States a co -conspiracy against Palestine's war crimes.He also said that the United States was responsible for the bleeding of women and children and the elderly in Gaza Palestinian.

The Russian Permanent Representative of the United Nations Polianeky said that the United States hindered to suspend the ceasefire, which was ignoring the voices of peace. "A command of death was issued in front of us, affecting the safety of thousands of Palestinians."

Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said that China has greatly disappointed and regrets the decision of the resolution. It calls on all parties to work hard to calm down and fight the fire, leaving hope for the Palestinian people to survive.

French representatives said that unfortunately, the Security Council failed again, calling on the "humanitarian rest war" immediately and lasting.Japanese representatives said that the tragic situation of Gaza was a tragedy, and the draft resolution failed to be disappointed.Representatives from Switzerland, Brazil, Malta, Gabon, and Mozambique also spoke.

Israel: Thank you for standing in Israel firmly

Israel praise the United States for its veto, thanks to the United States for standing on Israel firmly.

Iran's Saturday warned that the situation in the Middle East may "unprepared detonation".Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan and UN Secretary -General Gutres stated that as long as the United States supports the Jewish Repeated Power (Israel) and the war continues, "the situation in the Middle East may not be controlled."

Secretary -General of the United Nations: There is no safety in Gaza

Before voting, the Security Council held an emergency meeting with the situation of Haha.Gutres said that Gaza is on the edge of collapse and there is no place in the local area.He reminded that Hamas's atrocities can never be a reason for collective punishment for the Palestinian people.

Israel has increased its attack, and the situation in Gaza is still dangerous.Insiders revealed that the Bayeng government has requested Congress to approve 45,000 artillery shells to Israel this week to use the Mercawa main battle tank for the Israeli Army for use to crack down on Hamas.

The military sales value of more than 500 million US dollars (about S $ 671 million), and the Foreign Relations Committee of the two House of Representatives is reviewing.US officials said that the State Council is promoting the Congress to quickly approve the transaction.It is known that the committee has 20 days to review military sales.

U.S. officials revealed that the government considers the use of the weapon export control law to urgently authorize, allowing 13,000 artillery shells to bypass the committee and review period, but it has not made the final decision.