(Washington Composite Electric) Ukrainian President Zelei Sky went to the United States for more assistance on Tuesday, but hit the wall because of the Republican opposition.US President Biden warned that ending the US military assistance to Ukraine will be the biggest Christmas gift to Russian President Putin.

Zelei Siki visited the Congress Villa on Tuesday (December 12) to meet with the leaders of the two houses. He urged the Congress to pass the addition of the military aid Ukraine bill, but his request was questioned.

Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said that the Bayeng government must provide more details about how to use the amount of assistance, and said that the additional funds required by the Biden government have no appropriate supervision, no clear victory strategy, nor to give the American people to the American peopleThe answer you should get.

Zelei Siki threatened with Biden to attend a joint press conference after attending a joint press conference that Ukraine will continue to fight to the end and say that Kiev will abandon any territory to reach a peace agreement will be "crazy."

Biden emphasized that he "will not abandon Ukraine", and the United States will "continue to provide key weapons and equipment to Ukraine as much as possible.He said that Putin was expecting the United States to fail to fulfill its support for Ukraine, "we must prove that he was wrong."

According to an intelligence report recently declosed in the United States, the Russian and Ukraine War had caused 315,000 Russian injuries, which was equivalent to nearly 90%of Russia's dispatched personnel when the Russian and Ukraine War broke out.

The report also evaluated that Moscow's loss of people and armored vehicles in Ukraine's military operations will affect Russia's military modernization for 18 years.

Reuters quoted sources as saying that when the Russian and Ukraine War began in February 2022, the Russian army dispatched 360,000 combatants, but the United States found that 87%of the Russian army has been killed or injured.In addition, the Russian army dispatched 3,100 chariots, of which 2,200 were destroyed, and the old T62 chariot must be supplemented.

In addition, on the early morning of the 13th, Russia launched a large -scale air strike against Kiev, causing damage to residential buildings in one hospital and multiple regions, causing at least 53 injuries.This is the second air strike Kiev in the Russian army within a week.

The General Staff of Ukraine said that the Russian army launched the 10 S-400 air defense missiles and the Eskander cruise missiles were intercepted by the Ukraine air defense system.

On the same day, Ukraine's communication infrastructure was very powerful hacker attack, causing mobile signals and Internet paralysis.

On the other hand, the US Ministry of Finance and the State Department announced on the 12th that the so -called "Russian Purchasing Network" containing more than 250 entities and individuals was imposed on the 12th.These entities and individuals come from China, Turkey, UAE and other countries. The reasons for sanctions are suspected to support Russia in Russia and Ukraine.