Feng Keqiang: How to interpret "soft confrontation"
Feng Keqiang: How to interpret "soft confrontation"
Source: Ming Pao Author: Feng Keqiang At the opening ceremony of the National Security Education Day on April 15, 2021, Luo Huining, then the director of the Hong Kong Sino -joint Office and the National Security Consultant of the National...
2023-10-15 02:02:51
Zhang Ruiting: From Zun Guo to Eagle?Hou Youyi changes his strategy.
Zhang Ruiting: From Zun Guo to Eagle?Hou Youyi changes his strategy.
Source: Taiwan United Daily Author: Zhang Ruiting Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, launched the second promotional film "Guan Gong" to explain to all voters that if he believes in Guan Gong, he should reunite, and the...
2023-10-15 02:02:49
Lin Liyu: How can Jiang Wanan help the Blue Camp to add points to the focus of the Shu
Lin Liyu: How can Jiang Wanan help the Blue Camp to add points to the focus of the Shu
Source: Taiwan United Daily Author: Lin Liyu Taipei Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum debuted at the end of August. Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan will attend it in person, but in the face of the 2024 election, Jiang Wanan's landing will definitely be s...
2023-10-15 02:02:46
Chen Shiming: Trump's latest lawsuit is related to the future of the United State
Chen Shiming: Trump's latest lawsuit is related to the future of the United State
The controversial role of the role played by former US President Trump after the release of the Presidential election in 2020, and finally landed last week.He was facing serious criminal allegations trying to overthrow the results of the el...
2023-10-14 23:23:15
Ian Brom: I just like Trump
Ian Brom: I just like Trump
This cannot be explained. Trump has just been prosecuted for four criminal charges, including deceiving the United States and conspiracy to deprive the American people's right to vote.Trump is also in a Florida Federal Court, facing 40 alle...
2023-10-14 23:23:13
Wu Jungang: Deepening and guarding the country
Wu Jungang: Deepening and guarding the country
The first four sentences in the country in the family training of Qian's family are: "Law enforcement is like mountains, guarding the body like jade, love the people like a child, and go to the revenge." This family training is said to be t...
2023-10-14 23:23:10
Society: Celebrate National Day, don't forget to live in peace
Society: Celebrate National Day, don't forget to live in peace
Today is the 58th anniversary of Singapore's independence.Premier Li Xianlong pointed out in National Day that although Singapore is a young country, he has experienced many challenges over the years.In the face of every dilemma, we show th...
2023-10-14 23:23:07
Niu Zexun: Guan Gong out of Mahou Guo Guo's brawl starting style
Niu Zexun: Guan Gong out of Mahou Guo Guo's brawl starting style
Source: Zhongshi Electronic News Author: Niu Zexun Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang presidential candidate, released the campaign film with the theme of "Guan Gong" on the 7th. In the film, Hou emphasized the spirit of Guan Gong's "Chong Rannuo".I...
2023-10-14 23:23:05
Zhang Jingwei: Haha mirror watching Rakshahai City
Zhang Jingwei: Haha mirror watching Rakshahai City
Source: Zhongshi Electronic News Author: Zhang Jingwei The new song Rakshahai City, a singer of the mainland, has recently been popular on the Internet and has swept the Chinese world. It is said that the number of playbacks has been nearly...
2023-10-14 23:23:02
Society: Considering the integration of the "solo song" of the Hong Kong Law and Po
Society: Considering the integration of the "solo song" of the Hong Kong Law and Po
Singers: Sing Tao Daily Sing Tao Society The High Court refused to return to Hong Kong to approve the temporary ban on the "Hong Kong Independence" song. Lin Dingguo, the director of the Department of Justice, decided yesterday to appeal th...
2023-10-14 23:23:00
Comments: To say that Hong Kong story must be well -known for travel
Comments: To say that Hong Kong story must be well -known for travel
Source: Ming Pao Ming Pao Society Review Kai Tak Cruise Terminal has recently had ships in succession and witnessed the gradual response to Hong Kong cruise tourism. It was a good thing to be happy.The official claims that there has always...
2023-10-14 23:22:57
Society: The US economy shows strong toughness
Society: The US economy shows strong toughness
Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Economic Daily Society The United States has continued to raise interest rates since March last year, and interest rates have reached a new high level in 22 years. All parties generally predict that this may le...
2023-10-14 23:22:55
Ye Tangyu: Debt Zeng Sun still dumped the pot "Mavira"
Ye Tangyu: Debt Zeng Sun still dumped the pot "Mavira"
Source: United News Network Author: Ye Tangyu Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou has long been stepped down, and it should have nothing to do with the national government hosted by Tsai Ing -wen;It's right.Ma Ying -jeou became the "best...
2023-10-14 23:22:52
Chen Guoxiang: American media elite superiority
—— On Huahua Postal Charges Morning
Chen Guoxiang: American media elite superiority —— On Huahua Postal Charges Morning
Since the founding of the United States, the Great Modern Civilization has become a model in the world in various aspects, including the practice of mass communication professionalism.The sense of mission of promoting modern civilization in...
2023-10-14 20:43:11
<b>Zhu Ming: Why does Huawei sell Argentine red wine and beef</b>
Zhu Ming: Why does Huawei sell Argentine red wine and beef
Many people know that Huawei is the world's leading communication technology company, but few people know that Huawei also has an e -commerce department to sell red wine, salmon, beef and milk powder.It is not unusual for Huawei to sell, mo...
2023-10-14 20:43:09