Comment: New challenges for job hunting in the AI ​​era
Comment: New challenges for job hunting in the AI ​​era
Genai (Genai) has brought revolutionary changes in many industries, and the field of recruitment is no exception.More and more companies now rely on AI -driven systems to analyze their resumes and simplify the recruitment process, or they a...
2024-08-28 04:31:02
Ji Yan: Football, coconut milk rice and sports
Ji Yan: Football, coconut milk rice and sports
Every World Cup kicks off, which will attract countless people from all over the world. People jointly vent their sorrows, also show national and cultural diversity, and enhance the cohesion of a specific society.When I was young, I was a f...
2024-08-28 04:30:59
Han Heyuan: Why did Le Pen -Trumpism rise?
Han Heyuan: Why did Le Pen -Trumpism rise?
As a trendy of a maverick, Le Pen -Trumpism will aim at the construction of the establishment and the current political system.They believe that there are so many problems in Europe and the United States, the root cause is that the national...
2024-08-28 04:30:56
Chen Liujun: G7 and BRICS: Who is the future of the world?
Chen Liujun: G7 and BRICS: Who is the future of the world?
G7 is like a relatively aging middle -aged person, keeping the vested interests, and is extremely vigilant to external forces; the BRICS is like a young man who has a strong growth, and he is full of energy but easy to adventure; both are b...
2024-08-28 04:30:53
Society: Do not allow the attacking merchant ship incident to normalize
Society: Do not allow the attacking merchant ship incident to normalize
The Barbon caused the collision of the dock ships to cause oil leakage, polluting the Singapore waters and beach incidents. The damage caused is quite serious. In addition to environmental pollution, it may also bring potential human harm.D...
2024-08-28 03:11:26
Analysis: In "China's backyard"
US adjustment of the Asia -Pacific strategy
Analysis: In "China's backyard" US adjustment of the Asia -Pacific strategy
When the Seven -Kinged Group composed of a wealthy and democratic country, the Seventh -way Group gathered in Italy to discuss a series of difficult and deep -rooted challenges, and the nature of American power is changing in the Asia -Paci...
2024-08-28 03:11:21
Comments: The long -tested European Bank of China faced the turbulence of the French m
Comments: The long -tested European Bank of China faced the turbulence of the French m
Source: Bloomberg Author: Mark Schrors, Alexander Weber According to people familiar with the matter, officials at the European Central Bank believed that there was no reason to panic in the market turbulence that swept France in the past f...
2024-08-28 03:11:19
Han Yongmei: Liang Wenfu and Wang Chenwei 4G Chinese people
Han Yongmei: Liang Wenfu and Wang Chenwei 4G Chinese people
The fourth -generation Singaporean Chinese, except for the circle of friends such as Xiaohongshu, B, Douyin, and WeChat, do you need more friends?Will they be in Singapore, but live in the virtual "Internet China"?Each generation of Singapo...
2024-08-28 03:11:15
Yan Mengda: Local dialect "dead wood Fengchun"?
Yan Mengda: Local dialect "dead wood Fengchun"?
From a positive perspective, young people's enthusiasm for dialects may become a cultural exploration and arouse their interest in improving the level of Chinese language. Once upon a time, this local language became a fragrant term among s...
2024-08-28 03:11:12
Yang Meng: The prefabricated world brings us to us
Yang Meng: The prefabricated world brings us to us
In the era of one brick, one tile, one stitches, we can also slowly accumulate and wait, but in the prefabricated world, we have expected it, but there is no answer to the last answer to the answer to the last The Urban Reconstr...
2024-08-28 03:11:10
Xue Zhibai: Chongta and Accelerate
Xue Zhibai: Chongta and Accelerate
China ’s speech review mechanism has contributed to the birth of more and more political words with political secrets, such as“ reversing ”and“ Run ”.In recent years, there are two more words that are often visible: "rushing tower...
2024-08-28 03:11:07
Comment: Teach Europe but not many cards that China can play in the trade war
Comment: Teach Europe but not many cards that China can play in the trade war
Source: Bloomberg After the European Union announced an additional tariff on Chinese electric vehicles, China may take limited and targeted revenge on the EU; Beijing is worried that it may be counterproductive if a strong response is adopt...
2024-08-28 03:11:04
Peter Wang: The news cognitive battle is coming. Have you been brainwashed?
Peter Wang: The news cognitive battle is coming. Have you been brainwashed?
Today's news has been different in the past, receiving any information -whether it is mainstream or social media channels, and whether it is from the West or the Eastern camp, it should be skeptical and criticized.If you realize that you ha...
2024-08-28 03:11:02
Zhang Tiancha: How do Chinese companies cross life and death
Zhang Tiancha: How do Chinese companies cross life and death
With a good policy and environment, both unicorn and general enterprises will go further and make big cakes, so it is more conducive to the allocation and sharing of the whole society. Looking around at the moment, it is not just the pain o...
2024-08-28 03:10:59
Zhu Wei: The formation of excessive competition and anti -market trend
Zhu Wei: The formation of excessive competition and anti -market trend
In recent years, a wave of anti -marketization has appeared in Chinese society. The public ownership and planned economic system of "one, two public", scattered the "private economy departure theory", discredited and slandered the private o...
2024-08-28 01:51:15