Society: Reduce the burden on the teacher, the roots are curbing formalism
Society: Reduce the burden on the teacher, the roots are curbing formalism
Source: Surging News Society Earlier, Lu Mou, a 23 -year -old elementary school teacher in Zhengzhou, China, said: "I have never thought of a job that is so difficult to be a primary school teacher."Materials and other extracurricular admin...
2023-11-10 12:02:53
Xu Wenyuan: Li Guangyao's five lessons for the new generation of leadership team
Xu Wenyuan: Li Guangyao's five lessons for the new generation of leadership team
Hardware will be lost over time, and software will last long to determine whether the governing model, framework and values can be passed on to the next generation of leadership.Although Li Guangyao's hardware facilities established in Sing...
2023-11-09 09:22:45
Comment: China Transformation for the "Global Southern" loan model
Comment: China Transformation for the "Global Southern" loan model
Source: Bloomberg Author: Rebecca Choong Wilkins, Shawn Donnan China is providing loans to developing countries in reform countries. This strategy may help it maintain its increasing leading advantage of the United States and its seven coun...
2023-11-08 09:22:59
Weida: Sino -US relations have become world -class leverage
Weida: Sino -US relations have become world -class leverage
It is generally believed that the most fundamental conflict between China and the United States is in the field of ideology. This view is not accurate.In fact, China and the United States will only conflict because of the original ideologic...
2023-11-08 09:22:56
Wu Jungang: "Extreme" is terrible
Wu Jungang: "Extreme" is terrible
Each society has extremists, and all extremists are terrible. Whether they are political left or right -right or religious radicals.The terrible is that once people go extreme, they will lose the golden mean, lose rationality, and cannot co...
2023-11-08 09:22:54
Comments: PIMCO and Morgan Chase prepare for the long winter of the Chinese market
Comments: PIMCO and Morgan Chase prepare for the long winter of the Chinese market
Source: Bloomberg Author: Tania Chen, Abhishek Vishnoi, Richard Henderson This year should be the year of China's economic recovery. In the process, Chinese stocks and bonds should once again become a must -buy option for global investors....
2023-11-07 09:23:03
Yang Jun: Look at the U.S. political polarization from the Congress crisis
Yang Jun: Look at the U.S. political polarization from the Congress crisis
The author believes that there are some extremely dangerous signals behind this crisis: First, the politics of American political parties is running all the way in the direction of the party.Second, compromises constitute a "original crime"...
2023-11-07 09:23:00
He Yue: Will the Pakistan conflict stimulate the British Cultural War?
He Yue: Will the Pakistan conflict stimulate the British Cultural War?
Cultural and war phenomenon is familiar in the United States, but rarely hear it in the UK.The only time was mentioned by the British media at a high frequency, at the end of Brexit in 2019. At that time, the people had been tortured by the...
2023-11-07 09:22:57
Society: Steady handling helps to stabilize people's hearts
Society: Steady handling helps to stabilize people's hearts
Prime Minister Li Xianlong, Secretary -General of the People's Action Party, announced at a two -year party conference on November 5 that if everything goes smoothly, it is hoped that the Party will be given the fourth -generation leader te...
2023-11-07 09:22:54
Pan Zhenglin: In the era of Cheng, the era of defeat
——The workplace impact of Xin
Pan Zhenglin: In the era of Cheng, the era of defeat ——The workplace impact of Xin
The popularity of the Internet has brought many opportunities, and of course, it also wiped out many opportunities.It has created work such as takeoffs, online shopping courier, and video online celebrities.Most of the former children's yea...
2023-11-07 09:22:52
Lin Yuan: The rejected peaceful efforts
Lin Yuan: The rejected peaceful efforts
The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on October 25 with the situation of Pakistan, and the two draft draft resolutions submitted by the United States and Russia were not approved.This is not surprising. The results of the US re...
2023-11-06 09:23:01
Yan Guowei: Li Guangyao left us the assignment to us
Yan Guowei: Li Guangyao left us the assignment to us
If in the face of difficult tests, the society has a solid humanistic heritage, and it can constantly emerge to the burden, take the initiative, overcome difficulties, and turn the fate of the community.The worries of death prevent Singapor...
2023-11-06 09:22:56
Liu Weicheng: The relationship between the Sudan of Johor and the Malaysian Kingdom
Liu Weicheng: The relationship between the Sudan of Johor and the Malaysian Kingdom
Readers outside Malaysia may ask, since Sultan Ibrahim can affect state affairs, does it mean that they will also have an influence on foreign relations?The answer is yes, and the strength may be greater.Because the Royal royal family has a...
2023-11-06 09:22:54
Chi Daohua: How much is the "pseudo -poverty student" who occupied the scholarship?
Chi Daohua: How much is the "pseudo -poverty student" who occupied the scholarship?
Source: Xinjing News Author: Chi Daohua Recently, the news of "poverty -stricken students' rewarding the number of schools for scholarships" has been spread online and has received widespread attention. According to media reports, Tianjin Z...
2023-11-04 12:02:43
Comment: The Federal Reserve returns to the rational US dollar dual rate dual rate dua
Comment: The Federal Reserve returns to the rational US dollar dual rate dual rate dua
Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Industrial and Commercial Times Society In the November interest rate decision -making meeting of the United States Federal Preparatory Council (FED), the federal capital interest rate target range...
2023-11-03 12:02:46