The Wall Street Journal website published on August 22 that Biden tried to use military sales to pressure Israel, but did not work.It is reported that military sales are a powerful symbol for the US government to support Israel, or it may be the powerful tool for the United States to influence this closest Middle East allies.

But in the mouth of the unknown ceasefire in Gaza, the political limitations of the United States' influence on Israel through military sales on Israel were in front of the Biden government.

It is reported that the Bayeng government decided last week to promote $ 20 billion in military sales for $ 20 billion.Not long after the decision was released, US Secretary of State Brillings embarked on a trip to the Middle East, and many people regarded this trip as the last fight to promote the Gagsa ceasefire agreement.Blingken returned to Washington after finishing its trip this week. The negotiations did not make breakthrough progress, but they continued.

Officials of the US State Department said that the desire for military sales last week has nothing to do with the desire of reaching a ceasefire.However, some people within the government said they wanted the military sales to issue a signal that the United States supported Israel.At present, people are worried that Iran may launch retaliatory attacks on the two recent assassinations.

Former Israeli government official Daniel Liva said that the Bayeng government may intend to promote the Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu accepted a ceasefire agreement, but it may eventually be counterproductive because when the United States provides weapons, Neitanahu will feel that he will feel herself feels herself.Win, "can be controlled as always."

For decades, arms have been the core element of the United States and the relationship between the United States.Israel's annual military assistance has more than $ 3 billion, and its weapons procurement mostly uses the US government's funds.

It is reported that at the beginning of the Gasha War, the Bayeng government organized a operation to air -to -Tens of thousands of bombs and other weapons to Israel.However, as the number of civilian casualties in Gaza continued to increase, the Bayeng government no longer accelerated the transportation of weapons, and later decided to hold a large number of large bombs, trying to put pressure on Neitanahu, forcing it to shrink and attack the plan to attacked the city of Gaza in the southern part of Gaza.Essence

"Trying to obtain influence during the war was the worst time, because at that time partners could not hear the instructions of the US government," said a Republican party official. "This war restrained its own war machine.

U.S. officials said that the death of civilians made the Biden government frustrated, but it did not promote fundamental changes in the military sales policy.The US State Department reports that Israel may violate the humanitarian law when using US weapons, but did not assert that Israel violated international law, and military sales continued.