Senior economic officials in the United States and China will hold a meeting in Shanghai this week to discuss related issues related to economic and financial stability.

According to the Bloomberg News Agency on Tuesday (August 13), a spokesman for the US Treasury said that the financial working group meeting will be held on August 15-16 to focus on discussing macroeconomic, financial stability, and international monetary fundOrganization (IMF) governance and capital market issues.

The Assistant Minister of the U.S. Finance is responsible for international financial affairs, and Brent Neiman, who co -hosted by Chinese officials, said the coordination working group meeting intends to discuss financial stability issues, and cross -border cross -border issues.Data, loans and payment -related issues will also explore specific measures to improve communication when financial pressure occurs.

Members of the United States delegation include officials of the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Reserve and the Securities Exchange Commission, including Nellie Liang, one of the deputy ministers of the Ministry of