Graham Allison, a well -known geopolitical scientist in the world and the founder of the Kennedy Government College of Harvard University, wrote in the national interests of the American media that the rise of China in the Olympic Games reflects China as the 21st century as the United States as the United States in the 21st century.The most important geopolitical opponents have risen almost in all directions.

The proposal of the theory of the "Xiu Xidide Trap" Theory, Ellison last Friday (August 9) in the US media national interests, "China and the United States: Geed Political Olympic Games", talked about Sino -US relations.

He said, like most Americans who watch Olympic games, he is not neutral.He will notice which countries in which countries have won gold medals and which are not. He is also glad to listen to the American national anthem played first and most times when the awards are awarded.

He said that the competition in the Olympic Games is just like most other competitions in the world today. There are only two superpowers: China and the United States.From almost no influence to the main opponent of the United States in the Olympic Games, this rise is exactly the same as the rise of China in other fields. The rise of China in the Olympic Games reflects China as the most important geopolitical opponent of the United States in the 21st century in the United States in the 21st century.Almost all aspects of the rise.

He mentioned in the article that in 2020, he and a group of Harvard scholars prepared a series of reports for the government to record the actual competition between China and the United States in the past 20 years. The goal is to provide an objective database with an objective databaseIt provides a basis for policy makers to re -evaluate the fundamental strategy of China's challenges.

He said that the results of each report they got were the same: China has not appeared in the rearview mirror in the United States at the beginning of the century, and now it has been paid together with the United States, even in some aspectsMore than the United States."We concluded that the National Intelligence Agency still stubbornly referred to China as the" closer quasi -competitor 'is a nostalgic error. Ask athletes participating in the Olympic Games, China must be recognized as a comprehensive equal competitionWhen opponents.

When Elison published this article, the United States won 30 gold medals and China won 32.Ellison said that the probability of the United States the first place is about 80%, but not the last moment, everything has not ended.He quoted what Chinese President Xi Jinping said to Brazil in 2018 when he held the World Cup football match to the Congratulations: "The charm of the sports competition, especially the football game, is unpredictable."

On the day), China and the United States won the same number of gold medals.

Elison said that although Chinese diplomats usually refuse to acknowledge that China and the United States are competitors, China is actually a enthusiastic and resolute competitor.

He said that the Olympic medals are related to national honor, but in the core geopolitical competition, GDP, technical leadership, military power, and diplomatic strength directly affect national security and even survival.He believes that China's rise is breaking the international security order that the United States has established and maintained after World War II."This 'Xiuci Danda competition' challenges the existing status of the United States in the global order. Most of the Xiu Xidide competition ended in the end."

But he also said, China and the United States are closely entangled, and the two countries cannot easily shake each other.It is not impossible for the two countries to find competition and cooperation at the same time.

He said that China and the United States first agreed with the strategic framework of competition, communication and cooperation at the summit last November.While doing everything to defeat each other, China and the United States have also maintained open channels to conduct regular and frank private communication on the most sensitive and dangerous issues, including dialogue between leaders, security consultants, and national defense officials.Including cooperation in Taiwan, climatic cooperation, cracking down on fentanyl, trade and other issues, cooperation is in line with the interests of the two countries.

He quoted the writer Fitzjerad in the great Gatsby's words, "At the same time, there are two completely opposite concepts and can act normally. This is the symbol of the first wisdom." We must have toIt is hoped that complicated institutions like the government can pass this test -and continue to do this in the next few decades. "