The US Department of Defense said in a new report that, given that China and Russia have become more interested in the Arctic and the new risks brought by climate change, the United States will expand military preparations and surveillance activities in the Arctic region.

Bloomberg reported that according to the 2024 Arctic strategy released by the US Department of Defense on Monday (July 22), as the ice and snow melted, the Arctic region was more likely to enter the economy and military.It will not become a strategic blind spot. "

Preferences include better monitoring of vast areas, studying the heavenly missile warning system, deepening the coordination with the entire NATO and Canada through the North American Air Defense Command, as well as improving satellite and data communication.The Pentagon claims that it is necessary to better model and predict the rapidly changing environment in order to prepare for the potential combat of increasingly unpredictable conditions in the Arctic region.

The Pentagon emphasizes concerns about the "increasingly alliance" between China and Russia's two largest national security competitors.

Kathleen Hicks, Deputy Minister of Defense, said at a press conference on Monday.And activity. "She also said that China is" the only strategic competitor who is willing and more capable of reshaping international order ", and Russia" continues to pose a serious threat to the security and stability of the region. "

Bloomberg reports that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has separated it from the other seven countries in the Arctic Circle. These countries are now members of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO).China, which is pursuing its agenda in the area.

North American and European Arctic countries have also found that they are facing a new threat, and they interfere with the so -called spy balloon from the global satellite positioning system.

Although China is not the Arctic country, it is trying to obtain influence, "and" play a greater role in regional governance. "The Pentagon pointed out that China operates three ice -breaking boats in the region for dual military and civilians, and tested unmanned underwater aircraft and polar fixed -wing aircraft.

The speed of the North Pole warrior is several times that of any other region on the planet. This has created opportunities for countries with the Arctic coastline. It can develop theoretical minerals and energy resources that are still theoretically.

The above report states that with the melting of the sea ice, the strategic importance of the region is also changing, which means that the Bai Ling Strait between Alaska and Russia and the Barron branch in northern Norway have changed "It is more suitable for navigation, and it has become more important in economy and military. "