The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines (July 22) calls on the United States to harm the harm caused by false propaganda of Chinese crown diseases as soon as possible, and give the people of the Philippines an explanation.

Reuters earlier reported that the U.S. military launched a secret plan during the crown disease to discredit the Chinese Koxing vaccination plan carried out in the Philippines.

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines responded to the incident on the official website that the United States was accustomed to seeking private interests under the banner of the so -called "international morality".Public opinion war and cognitive war structure are targeted at other countries.

A spokesman for the embassy said: "The United States should immediately correct the wrong approach, stop confusing the world by lies, stop slandering and smearing other countries, and explain to the international community as soon as possible to the international community.'Strategy and the above -mentioned serious damage caused by the false propaganda of China's new crown vaccine to the people of the Philippines.