The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that differences should not be a blockbuster blocking Sino -US exchanges and cooperation.The competition between the country and the country should be a track and field match, not a boxing match.

According to the China News Agency, Xie Feng was invited to give a video speech at a seminar at the Carter Center on Tuesday (January 9) local time (January 9).

Xie Feng said that in the past 45 years, Sino -US relations have gone through storms, moving forward, and growing into the most important bilateral relations in the world today.Stability and prosperity.Looking back at these 45 years, the most fundamental experience is that China and the United States are in two benefits and fights. Cooperation is the only correct choice for both parties.The most extensive consensus is that Sino -US relations can only be done well and cannot be damaged. This is also the common expectations of the international community.The only correct way to get along is to respect each other, live peacefully, and win -win cooperation.

Xie Feng said, where the current Sino -US relations are standing again and where to go from a new historical starting point.If you don't forget your original intention, grasp the general trend, show your vision and courage, come up with the sense of responsibility and creativity, start from San Francisco, start with a drop of specific things, and make the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries.Falling into practice, let the "San Francisco Vision" follow the reality, and continuously write the successful story of China and the United States respect for mutual respect, live peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.

Xie Feng proposes four points. One must abandon the Cold War thinking and establish a correct mutual perception; second, we must control contradictions and differences, and grasp the correct direction of Sino -US relations;Tone; Fourth, we must clear the road barrier level and promote a new boom of humanistic exchanges.

He said that Sino -US relations have always been based on acknowledging each other and respecting each other's core interests.45 years ago, the differences between differences did not hinder the establishment and development relationship between China and the United States. After 45 years, the differences between differences should not be the blockbuster blocking and cooperation between China and the United States.Competition in modern society is generally existed, but competition should be a fair competition for rules. It is a benign competition that you chase me and progress together. It cannot be the vicious competition of your death and zero -harmony game.rights and interests.The competition between the country and the country should be a track and field match, not a boxing match.If you want to compete, then you will be compared to see who can control their respective countries better, and who can contribute stability and prosperity to the region and the world.

Xie Feng said that common interests are the motivation for China and the United States to re -open the door of communication and the driving force for bilateral relations.Recently, China has adopted a series of positive measures in the fields of economic and trade, giant panda protection cooperation, anti -drugs, two armies, qi changes, and artificial intelligence, which fully demonstrated a constructive position that is committed to expanding opening up and promoting Sino -US exchanges and cooperation.It is hoped that the United States will take practical action in the same spirit to solve the concerns of China.Don't do it with goodness without doing it.Starting from every bit, reciprocating and reciprocating, taking good use of the mechanism of restoring or establishment of diplomacy, economy, finance, commerce, agriculture and other fields, continuously stretch the cooperation list, reduce negative lists, do problems solvers, and do problems, and to do problems solvers.Not a troublesome manufacturer.

This seminar was jointly organized by the Carter Center, the National Committee of the United States and China Relations, the US -China Trade National Committee and the US Research Center of Fudan University.The President of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations, Ellen, and the president of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade, Allen, etc., and more than 300 people from all walks of life such as strategy, academia, industry and commerce, and local sectors of China and the United States participated.