U.S. media reports that Chinese leadership solves the problem of the bankruptcy of China -plant Group in an unusually rapid way, highlighting that Beijing more focuses on curbing financial risks when the economy is in trouble.

Bloomberg Society on Monday (January 8) quoted people familiar with the matter.Dozens of wealth management products have been paid for less than three months from the China Planting Department.

Zhongrong Trust, a subsidiary of the Chinese Asset Management Giant, was confirmed that overdue payment was confirmed last August, with an overdue amount of nearly 100 million yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 18.74 million).

The Beijing First Intermediate Court ruled on January 5 to accept the application for bankruptcy and liquidation of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.

Report analysis, the speed of China's official processing shows that leadership senior management is not able to tolerate risks when trying to prevent real estate crisis damage to the financial system.Although most of the creditors in China are wealthy individuals, not financial institutions, its collapse marks one of the largest bankruptcy cases in China, and may bring more to the fragile consumers and investors' confidence.Large pressure hinders China's economic recovery.

Reporting pointed out that China -planting has different applications for bankruptcy and liquidation, because in recent years in some of the most striking debt crisis in China, companies often conduct debt reorganizations to avoid formal bankruptcy, including 2020, including 2020, including 2020The HNA Group, which bears billions of dollars in debt, and the Evergrande Group, which still avoids liquidation of 330 billion US dollars ($ 438.8 billion).

The analysis of the founder of the Capital Capital Sun Jianbo, which shows that China ’s fast horse plus whip solving the problem of historical leftover and prevent financial risks from spilling.He said that in the past few years, officials have accumulated rich experience in dealing with various types of breach of contract and risk, which has enabled them to cut messages this time.