(Bangkok Comprehensive News) Thai political scholars and the Thai Party believe that the Thai party will become the winner of this election, but it is still unable to assert that the Thai party can win 200 conservative goals, or the overwhelming victory needs need310 seats.

Thai political scholars interviewed by the Bangkok Post all estimate that the Thai party can win 200 to 220 house seats.Among them, 160 to 180 seats are constituency seats in the north and northeast, and 20 to 40 are political party seats.

Olarn Thinbangtieo, a lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Oriental University of Thailand, believes that the Thai party may not be able to achieve at least 250 seats because it is insufficient.

As for the advanced party, scholars generally predict that it will be the second -multiple seats after being a Thai party, and it is estimated that they can win 60 to 100 seats.

Olan believes that the advanced party is welcomed by young voters, and the new voting system may help the advance party to win the "many political party seats."

There are 500 seats in the House of Commons in Thailand, of which 400 are constituency seats and 100 are political party seats.Different from the 2019 election, voters can vote two votes in this election, one vote for candidates, and one vote for political parties.This voting system is beneficial to highly support political parties.

The Thai pride that promotes cannabis is expected to win 30 to 70 seats, and the old Democratic Party is expected to win 30 to 50 seats.

In terms of military parties, the Thais led by the Prime Minister Pakistani can win 25 to 38 seats. The Citizenship Party may win 20 to 50 seats.

Prepare two hands for the Thai party -sweep 310 or win 200 seats.Winning 310 seats means that the difficulty of the Thai party organization and the candidate of the nominee is greatly reduced; to win 200 seats, it is for the Thai party that the Thai party may need more time to negotiate with different political parties to organize the joint government.

Olan believes that the opposition parties such as the Thai party, the front party, the Thai Liberal Party, the Thai Development Party, the National Party, and the Thailand Thai party may join forces to organize the government."It also depends on whether they can get 375 seats. If this number can be reached, one of the Prime Minister candidates of the Thai party, Peitan or social ethics will become the new Prime Minister."

Wanwichit Boonprong, a professor of political auxiliary professors at the University of Langshi University, proposed another possibility, that is, he joined forces for the Thai party, the citizenship party, and the Thai pride to recommend that he was the Prime Minister of the Thai party.For the Thai party, the party may also work with the citizenship party, the Thai pride party, and the Thai development party organization's joint government to allow the Citizenship Party to serve as Prime Minister.

The Director of the Political and Development Strategic Project of the School of Development and Management of Thailand (PhiChai Ratnatilaka Na Bhuket) believes that it may choose to join forces with the Thai party to avoid friction during the joint administration in the future.Cooperate to win the support of the House of Lords.

The process of organizing the government for the Thai party may kill the process. The Thai Founding Party led by Bayu may join forces with other small party organizations.For a small number of government governments, coupled with the 250s of the House of House, they can successfully serve as the Prime Minister.However, a small number of governments facing dislikes at any time in the future, the Thai people may also protest on the streets because they are dissatisfied with Pakistani, and Thai society may be turbulent in the next few years.