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The White House estimated on Monday that in the past five months, the Russian army has suffered 100,000 casualties in the Bakhmut region's battle with Ukraine.

White House National Security spokesman Kobe told reporters that according to the estimation of the US intelligence department, this number includes more than 20,000 people's death, half of which are Wagner's mercenaries.Members of the organization include criminals released from prison.

Russia's attempt to launch a big attack in the Donbass in the Bachimut has failed, Cerbie said.Russia has been unable to seize any important important territory with strategic significance.

He said that the Russians have made a small progress in Bachmut, but this is exchanged for a terrible and heavy price, and Ukraine's defense in the region is still very strong.

Russia has exhausted military reserves and armed forces. Since December alone, we estimate that Russia has suffered more than 100,000 casualties, including more than 20,000 people killed, nearly half of the Wagner soldiers, he said.

These numbers are really shocking, and Cerbie added that this number is three times the number of American casualties in the Battle of Gwadanal Island in World War II.

Cerma said that the United States aid another weapon plan for Ukraine will soon be announced.

In addition, the Ukrainian authorities said that the air defense system repelled the missile attack on the Kiev area in the early morning of Monday.Earlier, Ukraine's emergency service department issued an air strike alert in Ukraine.

The air defense system works!Government of the Kiev area wrote on Telegram.Earlier reports said that the explosion was heard in the area.

Ukrainian media also reported that the explosion occurred in the Diren Peter Peter and Sumi region.

Reuters cannot independently verify reports on explosion.

According to Moscow, according to the Russian News Agency (RIA), Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Friday that Western countries' real purpose in Ukraine was to strategically defeat Russia and maintain its monopoly position.

Russia's Xinshi quoted him as saying that almost all NATO countries deployed military forces against Russia.