Affected by the US sanctions, China Telecom giant Huawei is committed to being committed committedIn order to increase the investment in R & D to cope with sanctions, its income growth in the first quarter of this year was basically the same as last year.About 25.5 billion yuan), a year -on -year increase of 0.8%, which was basically the same as the performance in 2022.Huawei revenue last year was 642.3 billion yuan, an increase of 0.9%.

The financial report shows that Huawei's net profit in the first quarter reached 3.038 billion yuan, a growth rate of two percentage points from a year ago, at 2.3%, a record low.In this regard, Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, explained that it was mainly due to the decline in operating profit and the continued increase in R & D investment.

According to the Huawei annual report, Huawei R & D investment was 161.5 billion yuan last year, a record high, accounting for about 25.1%of the annual revenue. In the past ten years, Huawei ’s accumulated R & D expenses exceeded 977.3 billion yuan.

However, for this result, Huawei evaluated that the overall business results were in line with expectations, and the company continued to increase investment in R & D to maintain future -oriented continuous innovation capabilities.

Under the sanctions of the United States, the connection between Huawei and the US advanced chip and equipment has been cut off, which has caused a serious blow to the company.Huawei recently announced that it has switched to the independent research and development of the Enterprise Resource Plan (ERP) system.

Ren Zhengfei, the founder and CEO of Huawei, said in a speech last month that in the past three years, Huawei has replaced the more than 3,000 components of its series of products into a local alternative, andMore than 4,000 circuit boards were redesigned to deal with US trade sanctions.

Meng Wanzhou also said at the press conference of the annual report last month that Huawei, as a company, is unable to change geopolitics or environment, and can only adapt to this environment.

However, Huawei is still threatened by further review.According to Reuters, a group of American Republican Senators urged the Biden government on Tuesday (April 25) to impose sanctions on Chinese cloud service providers, including Huawei, on the grounds that national security issues are due to national security.