South Korean President Yin Xiyue's visit to the United States has triggered a storm of China and South Korea. Liu Jinsong, director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Thursday (April 27th), met with Jiang Xiangxu, the Minister of the South Korean Embassy in China."Explanation" proposes serious negotiations.

This is the second time that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed strong dissatisfaction with the South Korean embassy in China in one week.According to analysis of scholars, Yin Xiyue visited the United States to release a clear signal of the United States and Japan to strengthen the cooperation between the three parties. China will face greater strategic pressure in the Taiwan Strait and will respond. The tension of the Taiwan Strait is expected to intensify.

Yin Xiyue's visit to the United States (April 24th to 30th), the itinerary includes holding a summit with the US President Biden, and a speech in the US Congress.

Following the media interview with Yin Xiyue before the start of the media, the issue of Taiwan was "global problem", and Bayeng and Yin Xiyue issued a joint statement issued by the United States and South Korea leaders issued on Wednesday (26th) to reiterate the important important to maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and stabilitySexual, the two strongly oppose any attempt to change the status quo of the Indo -Pacific region unilaterally.

Sun Weidong, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, has proposed a serious statement to South Korea's ambassador to China Zheng Zaihao on April 20 on the Korean leaders' "wrong statements involving Taiwan".After the joint statement of the United States and South Korea's leaders, Liu Jinsong also met Jiang Xiangxu on Thursday night, and put forward serious negotiations on the "wrong expression of China in China" in the joint statement, expressing strong dissatisfaction.

Liu Jinsong emphasized China's solemn position on Taiwan and other issues, and urged South Korea to adhere to a Chinese principle.

Yin Xiyue's visit to the United States on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Alliance in the United States and South Korea this time, released a clear signal of further move closer to the United States, and planned to strengthen the strategic cooperation between the US, Japan and South Korea.In the joint statement, the importance of the three parties in the United States, Japan and South Korea, and four times mentioned that the United States and South Korea will strengthen the cooperation with semiconductor.

RUONGWOOK, an assistant professor at East Asia International Relations at the State University of Singapore State University, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao.Location.Yin Xiyue's government seeks to promote the upgrading of bilateral relations between South Korea and the United States. The expansion of both parties in traditional security and trade, emerging international security issues, and supply chain and technology cooperation will also increase.

Analysis: The United States, Japan and South Korea strengthen cooperation to increase China's strategic pressure in the Taiwan Strait

When speaking in the U.S. Congress, Yin Xiyue highly evaluated the role of the United States as a defender of freedom and democracy. It mentioned that the world was divided into democracy and communist camps.In the Battle of Changjin Lake, "miraculously broke the wave of China's 120,000 troops."He said that democracy faced risks again today, and the totalitarian forces have deprived of democracy and freedom, and South Korea stands firmly with the free world.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning Friday (April 28) responded to warned that the facts of the anti -DPRK war told the world that any country stood on the opposite side of the historical development trend.Blinds.

The high -profile bilateral activities of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Alliance in the United States and South Korea form a strong contrast with the cold interaction between the two countries during the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea last August, and also highlight the foreign policy of Yin Xiyue's government.At that time, Yin Xiyue and the Chinese officials only congratulated each other, and they did not communicate directly.

Liu Yongyu pointed out that at present, China -South Korea relations have almost fallen to the lowest point since the normalization of the relationship between the two countries, and it is unlikely that Yin Xiyue visits the United States to continue to visit.It is foreseeable that the roads for improving bilateral relations between the two countries will be unstable and slow, and political and security issues will occupy a priority position, which significantly affects the original strong economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties.

Shi Yin Hong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China, analyzed in an interview with the United Zard that Yin Xiyue emphasized in the speech of the US Congress emphasizing the need to defend Western values. Although there is no name for China, there are some strategic partners of China and Russia and some strategic partners of China and Russia.Meaning.Regardless of whether the Chinese government is publicly fights, his words and deeds will hurt China -South Korea relations.

As the relationship between the United States and Japan is getting closer, the Yin Hong judged that the situation of the Taiwan Strait, especially the East China Sea, and the blockade faced by China in the high -tech field will heat up.All parties are preparing for the Taiwan Strait. The United States, Japan, and South Korea have strengthened cooperation to increase the strategic pressure of China. China will respond. This will lead to the increasingly tense interaction of the Taiwan Strait.Come and be tense.