U.S. media reports that the Chinese government is creating information "black boxes", including channels to restrict or cut off overseas visits to various databases, which makes global companies and investors feel uneasy.

The Wall Street Journal Sunday (April 30) reported that the relevant Chinese departments have restricted or directly cut off the channels for various databases overseas in recent months. These databases involve company registration information, patents, and procurement documents, Academic Journal and Official Statistical Yearbook.

It is reported that it is even more worrying recently that the access channels of Wind Information CO in Shanghai seem to be exhausted.Everyone is one of the most important databases in China. Among them, economic and financial data is widely used by analysts and investors at home and abroad.

There are Western researchers and macroeconomic analysts that after China recently expands the scope of anti -spy law to cope with the foreign threats, many foreign think tanks, research institutions and other non -financial entities have found that they cannot be renewedBooking Wan De, the reason for the reason is the issue of "compliance".

A representative of Wanfe said in an email response that customers who want to renew the contract need to contact their customer manager.The representative did not further describe it.

It is reported that the current Chinese government is conducting actions to review and pressure Western management consultants, auditors and other service providers relying on the risks of multinational enterprises in China.

The report quotes the corporate executives that have been consulted with relevant Chinese departments, saying that this dual -pronged approach is part of the Chinese government's more extensive action, that is, strengthening and controlling how the other parts of the world can form a view on China ’s views on ChinaEssenceThey said that this is also a measure that actually affects China from external influence.

Gary Rieschel, an venture investor with more than 30 years of investment experience in China, said that the Chinese government has increased the difficulty of the outside world to understand China, which will undoubtedly reduce the attractiveness of the Chinese market to capital.Especially in long -term investment.

The largest commercial lobbying group in the United States specifically pointed out in a statement on Friday (April 28) on Friday (April 28) that the Chinese government has strengthened professional service companies that help multinational companies conduct risk assessments.Review.The chamber of commerce warned that this operation greatly increased the uncertainty and risks of business in China.

The report also said that among the companies that were stared at by the relevant Chinese departments, the US consulting company Bain said that the staff of the Shanghai office was recently questioned by the Chinese police;The offices were searched and the staff was detained; the Beijing Branch of the British audit company Deloitte's Beijing Branch was suspected of in the audit of a Chinese state -owned asset management company.Pass to June.

In addition, people familiar with the matter revealed that the Chinese police conducted an assault inspection of the Shanghai office of Capvision in recent months. The company is an expert consultation and research service provider in New York and Shanghai.EssenceThe insider said that the police asked Kaisheng Rongying local employees to ask the names of the Chinese experts in the service network.

It is reported that although foreign executives who work in China claim that the relevant departments have appointments or visits may not be abnormal, the above -mentioned detention incidents and the overall intensity of the current operation are quite noticeable. In particular, it is considered to consider that rightThe access of databases such as Wan De has been tightened.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the Chinese issue expert of Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Issues Research Center, Gerard Dipippo, analyzed: "On the grounds of national security, foreign visits to various database have been restricted...... It is not so much net effect to improve China's national security, it is better to say that China isolate overseas researchers who try to understand China. "

Enterprise executives said that they are worried aboutThe scope of the anti -spy law adopted by Chinese legislatures last week has expanded, and the definition of espionage activities is wider. It may include a series of daily business activities into it, thereby determining criminal crimes, such as collecting information about local markets and business partners.