For South Korean President Yin Xiyue on Thursday (April 27), in the United States, the first division of the US Marine Corps broke through the 120,000 people in the Chinese army in the battle of Changjin Lake. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesmanMao Ning said on Friday (April 28) that according to the history of the Chinese war, the campaign annihilated 36,000 enemies, including 24,000 U.S. military, including the entire US military, the United States.Mao Ning emphasized that the fact that the Anti -U.S. and theids war told the world that any country stood on the opposite side of the trend of historical development.

Some reporters asked at the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on Friday that according to reports, South Korean President Yin Xiyue will give a speech on the 27th that in the past century, Lead to defend freedom.The First Division of the US Marine Corps broke through the 120,000 people's sea tactics of the Chinese army in the battle of Changjin Lake, and achieved miraculous results.What is China's comment?

Mao Ning responded that she also noticed the relevant content of Korean leaders' speech.Regarding the War of Resistance to the United States, she wanted to emphasize that the great victory of the War of Resistance to the United States and the aid of the DPRK was of great significance to China and the world.It uses iron -like facts to tell the world that any country, any army, as long as it stands on the opposite side of the trend of historical development, is bullying and weak, reversed, expanded, and will have a blood flow.It is hoped that related countries do more things that are conducive to world peace and development, and do not repeat the same mistakes.

Regarding the battle of Changjin Lake, Mao Ning pointed out that according to the history of the Chinese war, the campaign annihilated 36,000 enemies, including 24,000 U.S. military, including the entire US military, the commander of the Eighth Army of the U.S.Lieutenant General Walker also died in chaos.US Secretary of State Edison refers to "the longest retreat in American history."

South Korean President Yin Xiyue, who is currently visiting the United States, was invited to give a speech at the joint meeting of the US Congress on April 27 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the South Korean and American Alliance.He said that the Han and American alliance created with hard -earned Han and American is for justice, peace and prosperity, and is a universal alliance.He also mentioned that the first division of the US Marine Corps and the 120,000 Chinese army in the battle of Changjin Lake, and said, "South Korea will never forget the great American hero to defend our freedom with us.All the Korean War veterans and their families paid tribute. "

The 17 -day Changjin Lake battle occurred in November 1950. About 120,000 people of the Ninth Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the first division of the United States and the 7th Division of the American Estate participated in the war.The number of casualties on both sides is very high, and the campaign is therefore known as the "most tragic and terrible" campaign in the Korean War.

The film Changjin Lake filmed by the background of China was screened during the National Day in China in 2021, becoming a box office champion in Chinese film history, but it has also triggered criticism from Koreans.

In addition, the US President Biden and Yin Xiyue held a head talks in the White House on April 26. The problems involved include North Korea, semiconductor chips and trade, and the Russian and Ukraine War.DECLLARATION).

The two sides also discussed the tension between mainland China and Taiwan, as well as China's military activities in the South China Sea.The leaders of the two countries emphasized the importance of maintaining the stability of the Taiwan Strait in a joint statement.They also strongly opposed "any unilateral attempt to change the status quo of India-Pacific, including the militaryization of illegal marine claims, militaryization of land reclamation, and coercion activities."Director Liu Jinsong met Jiang Xiangxu, the Minister of the South Korean Embassy in China on the evening of April 27. He expressed strong dissatisfaction on the wrong statement of the United States and South Korea's joint statement, emphasizing the serious position of China on issues such as Taiwan, and urging the Korean side to take up a Chinain principle.