(Beijing Comprehensive News) China announced that it will conduct a network security review of the US's largest storage chip manufacturer Micron Technology in China, showing that the battle for Sino -US semiconductors has opened a new front.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that the China Network Security Examination Office announced on Friday (March 31) to ensure the security of key information infrastructure supply chains and prevent hidden dangers of product problems.(Micron) The products sold in China implement the network security review, but it does not specify which products involve.

Meiguo's statement responded that the company had communicated with the China National Internet Information Office and said that it was "fully cooperating" investigation.Micron emphasized that the company is committed to operating with a good faith in never compromising, and adheres to the safety of its products and its commitment to customers.

The United States and some allies have restricted the export of advanced semiconductor equipment and manufacturing technology. The United States also included Micron's competitors in Yangtze River storage in the entity list.

Di Pippo, a senior researcher at the economic project of the United States Strategy and International Research Center, said that China ’s censorship of Micron or intended to pressure the United States and its allies to be cautiously treated with the export control of semiconductors.Beijing may also worry about their own relying on US technology, and it is expected that there will be more actions in the next."This seems more like a political response to US measures. China is actively investing in its own semiconductor ecosystem. Storage chips are the most successful fields of their successful investment in the construction of US measures."

Blaison, an analyst at the United States Unified Securities Company, believes that China's actions on Micron may show the transformation of official policies and make other American suppliers who have greater contact with the Chinese market facing the potential threat of the same action.

China's mainland market accounts for 11%of Micron's sales. China's official announcement has announced that Micron's stock price fell 5.1%to $ 59.90 (S $ 79.72) on Friday.

Micron is currently the only storage chip manufacturer in the United States. Although its mainland revenue accounts for less than half of the Korean opponent Hylos and does not take China as the main manufacturing base, if Micron is restricted, the relevant supply chain or will face the face.Dilemma of disconnection.