China will start the network security review of the US largest memory chip manufacturer Meiguang Technology in China.

China Internet posted a message in the evening on Wednesday (March 31) stating that in orderThe National Security Law of the People's Republic of China Cyber Security Law, and the Cyber Security Review Office shall implement network security censorship on products sold by Micron in China in accordance with the method of network security review.

According to Reuters, Micron said in a statement that it had been learned that the news was under investigation with the National Internet Information Office of China, and said the company was "cooperating with full efforts."Micron emphasized that adherence to the safety of its products and the commitment to customers.

Micron's stock price fell 3%to $ 61.15 on Friday.

Bloomberg reported that China's review may affect the company's revenue, and China's mainland market accounts for about 11%of Micron's sales.But there are some American semiconductor manufacturers face greater risks.Micron's business to China is far less than Qualcomm.According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, 64%of Qualcomm's sales come from mainland China market.

Report also pointed out that Micron is a key supplier of a series of technology companies. Any Chinese government will expand its attention to other American companies will make Micron's peers risky and at the same time exacerbate the supply chain of the supply chainDilemma.