A person familiar with the matter revealed that China's billionaire Ma Yun's spin -off business plan created by the Alibaba Group created by overseas planning.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted people familiar with the matter on Thursday (March 30) that although Ma Yun has stepped down as the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba in 2019, he is still an influential figure in the company and actively participated in the company's company’sStrategic Decision.

People familiar with the matter said that Ma Yun has spent calls with Alibaba executives in recent months, including Zhang Yong, chairman and CEO of the board of directors, urged them to split the company's business, saying that this move will make Alibaba be in itIn China's increasingly saturated market, it has become more flexible and competitive.

Jack Ma Suddenly visited a school in Hangzhou, the birthplace of Alibaba. This is the first time he has returned to mainland China in the past year.Only one day in Ma Yun's appearance, Alibaba announced that it would spin the company's business as six independent entities. Each business group will have the CEO and the board of directors, and can seek listing on its own.

Jack Ma publicly criticized the Chinese regulatory agency in October 2020. The next month's Ant Group was listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong.He has not appeared publicly for a long time. In the past year, some media have reported that he has appeared in Mallorca Island in Spain, the Netherlands, Japan, Thailand and other places.

Ma Yun Foundation issued a statement saying that Ma Yun no longer participates in the management and operation of Alibaba Group.He often travels in China and overseas, focusing on the development of new agricultural technology.

A spokesperson for Alibaba Group said that the group's restructuring plan was led by Zhang Yong. He, as the CEO of Alibaba Group and the new Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Energy Group, showed that the company trusted his leadership.He can lead the group to the future.