Huang Xiaofang Beijing Special Commissioner

[email protected]

Over the past 500 years, the major power that has risen rapidly in the past 500 has threatened to replace the world's largest country, of which 12 times have triggered a war; Ellison, the founder of the Kennedy Government College of Harvard University, warned that if the current country continues to deal with it in a consistent wayDiplomacy, history is likely to repeat.

Graham Allison on Wednesday (March 29) reminded the Boao Forum forum 2023 Annual Sub -Forum that peace is not a natural state, but created by continuous management of complex issues and contradictions.Essence

When he explained the risk of Sino -US trap into a trap of Xunxidd, the world is in an era that is in a rapidly rising major country and replacing another major rule of the Ruling Power.war.In the past 500 years, this situation has not caused war for 16 times.

Elison believes that if the great country continues to operate as usual and handle diplomacy in a consistent way, history is likely to repeat itself.However, there were some outstanding cases in the past. Some governance strategies and politicians did not satisfy consistent diplomatic treatment methods, but surpassed the consistent approach. This is the challenge facing the world.

Institutional leaders and many national experts emphasize that countries are unwilling to choose the border station between the big countries

As for how to resolve the risks of the conflict between the great powers, Elison pointed out that competition will not disappear, which is the normal state in history; but in the 21st century, China and the United States have a large number of nuclear weapons. If the war between the two countries broke out,Both sides will not survive, and their respective survival has therefore become an important driving force to discuss how to maintain restraint and control competition.

The leaders of regional institutions and many national experts also emphasized at the annual meeting that countries are unwilling to choose a side station between major powers.

Secretary -General Gao Jinhong of Asianan pointed out in another sub -forum that the rising competition and tension between large powers is a major security challenge facing the region.It must be ensured that it is not an agent of any party.

Moeed Yusuf, a former National Security Consultant of Pakistan, took Pakistan as an example to remind the country's competition.

He said that almost all the economic inputs of Pakistan came from China, and almost all exports flowed to the West.Pakistan is a neighbor of China. Because of the Afghan war, at least 25 years have almost become the direct neighbor of the United States.If you are forced to make a choice between a special friend and an extremely important friend, Pakistan is likely to face the problem of economic collapse.

The Boao Forum for Asia was held in Boao, Hainan from March 28 to 31. This is the first time that the crown disease epidemic has fully restored the offline forum activities for three years. It is also the largest offline international forum held by China after the epidemic.

The new Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang will give a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the forum on Thursday (March 30). my country's Prime Minister Li Xianlong, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar, Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, Costdiva Prime Minister Ah, and the president of the International Monetary Fund Gio Ao Erkiya and other national dignitaries, economic experts, and Fortune 500 corporate leaders will also attend the annual meeting.The Singapore Lianhe Zaobao is a media partner of the Boao Forum for Asia.