(Morning News) In the leakage point of Beixi 1 and No. 2 natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, one leakage scale has been reduced.

Agence France -Presse reported that the Swedish Coast Guard issued a statement on Friday (September 30) that although leakage was still continuing, the amount of air leakage had decreased.

Two places in the leakage point are located in the Swedish exclusive economic zone , and the other two are located in the Denmark exclusive economic zone.

The Swedish Coast Guard pointed out that another leakage in the top 1 of Beixi 1 is large, so far there is no signs of weakening.

The official Denmark official Wednesday (28th) is expected that nearly half of the natural gas leakage in the pipeline is expected to be emptied on Sunday (October 2).

The simulation data released by the Norwegian Institute on Friday shows that since September 26, the methane overflowing from pipelines has drifted across the wind in several regions of Sweden and Norway, and even to the UK.

It is estimated that at least 80,000 tons of methane has leaked from the damaged pipeline.Analysis believes that methane emissions will not endanger the health of local residents, but Swedish officials and environmental organizations worry that methane may affect the climate and environment.