(Morning News) Russian President Putin hosted the" Russian Entry Entry "in the four regions of Ukraine in Cremlin on Friday (September 30).This seven -month war officially entered a new stage of unpredictable.

Putin announced in hundreds of Russian dignitaries in the St. George Hall that Russia has four new regions, "Living in Lugusk, Donetzk, Hermuson and Zapolo,People will become our eternal compatriots. "

He said: "This is the wishes of millions of people ... People have made their own choices, which is an irreplaceable right, in the first article of the United Nations Charter."

After formally announced that the four districts will always become a Russian territory, Putin warns: "We will use all forces and means to defend our land. We will strive to improve the security of new areas."

Putin alsoCall for Ukraine officials to stop hostile operations and return to the negotiating table.He said: "We are ready to negotiate, and Kiev should respect the wishes of the people."

EU member states have stated in a joint statement earlier that Russia's annexation of four regions has "blatantly violated the United Nations in violation of the United NationsCharter and the basic principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. "

Putin also expressed strong dissatisfaction with Western countries in his speech. In addition to accusing the West of violation of his commitment to Russia and not having the right to talk about democracy, the West is also saying that the West is "always".Imperialism acts and continues to find new opportunities to weaken and destroy Russia.

Popularized: "The United States has used nuclear weapons twice in Japan ... the United States creates a precedent for using nuclear weapons."