(Morning News) The large -scale tax reduction plan of the British government has caused the financial market to be turbulent, and French Finance Minister Lemer was worried about it.

Reuters reported that Lamel said on Friday (September 30) on the program of the first EUROPE 1 RADIO in Europe: "I don't worry about the euro, but I am worried about the situation in the UK.This shows that ... the dramatic announcement does not work. "

Lemal also believes that Britain is paying for the price of separation from the European Union.He said: "It is necessary to pay a considerable price to leave Europe, because Europe provides protection ... The euro zone protects us during the crisis crisis."Launched the British The largest tax reduction measures in the past half a century, which led to large-scale sales of large-scale cross-assets, and the pound also fell to a new low in 37 years.

The Bank of England announced on Wednesday (28th) that it started to purchase about 65 billion pounds (about S $ 104.3 billion) on the same day to prevent economic crisis from occurring.

In an interview with BBC on Thursday (29th), defended the controversial financial plan .She said: "I know the government is right, this is the right plan." She reiterated that the government must take emergency actions to increase the British economy to increase and deal with inflation.To this end, the government has prepared to make "controversial and difficult decisions."

Analysis believes that the tax reduction plan is "sugar -coated poison", which may eventually increase the pressure of British inflation and drag the British economy.