Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that NATO's next line of defense may be located in the South China Sea and pointed out that the United States played fire around Taiwan.

Comprehensive Russian satellite news agency and Reuters reported on Saturday (September 24) that Lavrov said at a press conference that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, NATO has been expanding to the east, saying that NATO "is well known to be known to be known to as wellA few kilometers outside of the defense line for defense ".

He said: "They decided, we will now be defended here. NATO announced that it is now responsible for the safety of the Pacific region of India, that is, the next line of defense in NATO may be located in the South China Sea.Don't doubt. "

In addition, Lavrov said at the United Nations Conference on Saturday:" The United States is playing with fire around Taiwan. In addition, they promise to provide military support to Taiwan. "

Russian President Putin emphasized earlier that Russia intends to adhere to a Chinese principle and criticize the United States and the Affiliated Kingdom in the Taiwan Strait.